There are a few reasons for this. I know that SM sees Obama as the biggest moron in the team under whom the highest number of disasters have happened. But legal action is not going to fix anything.

Firstly, if you see the use of legal action … it is essentially political competition.
Yes, both Trump and Biden have committed crimes and created disasters. But Biden is trying to convict Trump only to help in his re-election. And Trump is trying to investigate and impeach Biden as a tit-for-tat. It is political competition.

If we used actual justice and accountability then all top politicians will end up in jail including Hillary, Obama, Trump, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer … everyone would end up in jail. If we put everyone in jail then who will run the country?

Secondly, the malice is not owned by Obama.
Yes, I agree … shit happens under Obama … but Obama is not the one who does these crimes. Hillary started the wars under Obama … after he removed Hillary … Obama didn’t start any new war. Now, Trump and Biden are starting new wars. It’s the top Democrats and Biden who are on a looting spree … not Obama directly. Yes, Obama is not totally innocent … he is also getting his share … but all of this malice is not technically owned by him.

Thirdly, Obamas are actually good people.
If we put them on a good track … with a good support network … then they can actually do many good things.

Key complaints
I understand the key complaints that come from SM Groups about Obama that …

  • He is a moron. I never said that Obama was a genius. We all know that Obama, Biden, Trump, Pelosi and even the future candidates Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy … they don’t understand Establishment malice nor do they know how to manage it. They know only routine politics and they try to benefit themselves in the time that they have in the White House.
  • Obama is a slave head. The latest term being used to define Obama is a “slave head” in the SM Network. I think this is a racist statement. Just because he is black, you are using the term slave head. I don’t think that slavery has anything to do with Obama nodding along with White people. He is a White mommy’s boy … he had a great mom who was morally very strong and she had a great impact on him. Thus, he nods along with White people … thus you will find him to be a slave to the party … as most of the leaders in the party are White. Even Elizabeth Warren is a moron who is a slave to the party. Her reasons are different … she was a school teacher who loves to stick to the curriculum. Whatever is the curriculum of the party … she follows the curriculum and she can’t think beyond that.
  • Obama is a party puppet. Yes, I will agree that Obama is mostly a party puppet … a slave to the party. But using the term “slave head” means that he has a genetic problem which I don’t think he has … as slavery is not a genetic issue.

How to fix the Obama problem?
The key question is … how to fix the Obama problem … how to remove Obama from party puppetry and help him to do what is right for America? Well, one way of doing that is … Obama and Biden themselves change to do what is right … but that hasn’t happened yet. So, the second most effective way of doing this would be the termination of the Biden Presidency. Here are the good things that come from terminating the Biden Presidency.

  • Obama thinks that he was a successful President. Obama is repeating his Presidency under Biden … he is doing everything that he did as President … mainly because Obama is under the impression that he was a successful President. All SM Groups give a lot of love and respect to Michelle and Obama because they secure our work … and Obama thinks that he is getting all of this love and support because he was a great President. The moment Biden crashes out as President, it will open Obama’s eyes.
  • Termination of Biden’s policies. Biden’s anti fossil fuel, climate change crap, several mass spending policies and support for wars … all of them are disasters for the American people while it warms up the pockets of the top Democrats. The moment we get a Republican President, the first thing that Trump, Ron DeSantis or Vivek Ramaswamy will do is … they will rip up Biden’s ridiculous policies. The moment this happens … Obama will no longer champion bullshit for America.
  • Destroys the Democrat platform. The moment Biden’s policies of climate change, non-stop wars and mass spending get ripped up … it will destroy the Democrat platform. Biden’s failure will show how Democrats have failed in leading America. Thus, they will have to come up with something better than Republicans for America.

Thus, they will need new policies … better policies … better strategies to win the White House again.  Here is where Obama will need to learn and stop being a moron … Obama will have to lead the party instead of being a puppet of the party. That’s if he wants to remain in Presidential leadership. And this applies … only if Trump or Ron DeSantis or Vivek are not working with us already. If a Republican President works with us … then Obama will work in the opposition party to help the Republican President.

Securing Michelle in the game
While we design the next Presidency and shape the direction of the Nation ahead … we have to take care of Michelle in the game. We love and respect her … she has secured our work despite the fact that we show the flaws in Democrat candidates including her own hubby. Her request is to maintain Obama in the game at some level.

Obama is not loyal to the American people
I think Michelle will understand that … as of now, when Obama is running his “everybody be happy” policy … he is actually allowing theft, fraud and genocide in the world. If you are a bank manager who allows the robbers to loot the bank then you are not seen as a loyal manager … you are not seen as loyal to the people. This is Obama’s current problem … Obama is trying to keep everyone happy but among SM Groups he is coming off as a thief, fraud and a mass murderer … because he is supporting all of these activities indirectly. They are saying that Obama is not loyal to the American people and he is not loyal to America.

In order to create a role for Obama … the first thing that needs to be done is to … realize the disasters that he is creating for America … realize his drawbacks … and then contain the same to help him move forward. Right now, the Biden Presidency is a complete shit show … because Obama himself doesn’t know anything and he himself is being a party puppet.

America doesn’t need party puppets … America needs leaders … who can decide using facts and logic. Obama has to move out of this puppet zone … into a zone of … reason, logic, facts and practicality.

Look at the difference with Trump
Obama thinks that he is a better President because Trump was humiliated and ridiculed. Obama should understand that Trump’s demonization was Establishment led and it was totally bogus. If Trump was a bad President then …

  • Trump made the Republican Party a party of Trump … while you remained a puppet of the Democrat Party
  • Trump often stood up against the Republican Party to do what is right for America … show me one place where you stood up against the Democrat Party?
  • Within a single term, MAGA became a movement … all top Republican Presidential candidates follow Trump’s agenda of America First. Show me one Democrat politician who says “yes, we can”. Forget about any Democrat leader saying “yes, we can” … you yourself have dropped your own agenda of … yes, we can.
  • Not only within America … but internationally, there are several leaders who are copying Trump’s agenda of Nationalism and winning elections. Show me one leader around the world who wants to be Obama.

Trump was able to reach this level within a single term because we trained him on how to work with facts and logic. Since Trump’s second year itself … all SM Groups were looking at ways of making Trump better or look for someone better than Trump. Because, despite the change that Trump brought in leadership, America still doesn’t have a solution to any of its crises.

Nobody is looking for a party puppet … nobody is looking for blind leadership that follows Establishment’s disasters and wars. The Biden-Obama leadership has taken nothing forward from Trump … it has taken America back into blind disasters and catastrophes of the Bush-Obama era.

Key decisions will be made ahead of who will run America and what will be America’s direction in the next Presidential terms. Dear friend Obama … you need to understand that … you have been a freakin disaster … we need “change that we can believe in” … we don’t need bullshit after bullshit.

Trump has been 10 times better than you … but even Trump is under scrutiny … groups are exploring Ron DeSantis or Vivek Ramaswamy in his place. You need to quickly change and adapt.