Biden is battling frantically to save his political career
Yeah right, he should have thought about his political career before going on a multi-trillion dollar looting spree and becoming totally deaf, dumb and blind to our guidance. In fact, I will give a nice “screw Barack Obama formula” that SM Groups can follow in dealing with Mr. Barack.

The key issue with Barack and his team
The main issue with Barack and his team is that … Barack Obama uses us only to get Presidential powers in Democrat hands. He doesn’t really give a shit about America or the crises that the Nation faces or the American people. The guy is in it only for the loot … he is a stoopid career politician … who is using his “career” to make money.

Fighting for what is right … fighting for the people … getting the right things done … solving problems … making lives better … creating a new era for America … all of this is not there in his psyche … its not there in his plan and its not there in his “career”.

Yes, we are giving him the White House for this … yes, we are keeping him in Presidential leadership mainly to solve crises and create a new era … but this dumb ass moron has no intention of working on it … its not there in his program. All he knows is textbook career politics … follows the party … and goes on a looting spree along with his Democrat buddies.

This is the main reason why the Obama Presidency was a total disaster … this is why Barack didn’t give a shit about working with us even during the Trump Presidency … and for the same reason, even the Biden Presidency is a total disaster. America is facing a failure after failure … mainly because we are trusting the role of a great revolutionary hero to guy who is a total puppet and a total moron who cannot think outside the box.

The Screw Barack Obama Formula
And this brings us to … the Screw Barack Obama formula. What is Barack Obama doing … by being a total puppet … by going on a looting spree … by waging genocidal wars … by not giving a shit of making things better for the American people? What is he doing? He is screwing America … he is poisoning everyone who is supposed to work with us … he is holding back our work.

The question is … why should the entire Nation be held back by one person? Why should we allow the entire Nation to get screwed … to get poisoned … and be held hostage by one person? When we actually control the Nation … we have a parallel realm of Nation Management … we can control the flow of the Nation … we decide who wins and loses elections. We decide who remains in power and who is shoved to the sidelines.

If we actually do to Barack Obama what he has done to America and the world … then it means utter total decimation for him. But we have Michelle in the scene … it is also her family … she is also connected here. I would suggest a tactical game where we work on Barack without touching other Obamas. Honestly, it’s a lovely family and I don’t think that his wife and daughters have anything to do with his shit show political leadership.

Verification Points for Leadership
Use two simple verification points to decide whether to keep Barack Obama in leadership or not.

  • Is he working with us or not?
  • Is he supporting and working on our policies or not?

Yes, only connecting with me and sponsoring our work is not enough … he also needs to support and work on our policies of eliminating all crises in America. You will observe Barack Obama operating in two modes.

Current Mode. His current mode is just playing around with signals … using sexual bullshit to avoid working with us … being a party puppet … allowing all disasters to continue … and not connecting and working with us at all. If he remains in this mode … then … screw Barack Obama. We don’t need him in leadership at all. America doesn’t need frauds and thieves to lead the country.

Constructive Mode. However, if you find him working with us and supporting our policies … then maintain him in leadership.

How to screw Barack Obama?
Here’s how you tactically screw Barack Obama without affecting his family. Fail everyone that Barack works with. We control who wins and loses elections. Its very easy for us to deliver victories or failures in elections. The first major failure should be the Biden Presidency. We have to remove Biden from power.

Because Biden is an identical greedy party puppet like Obama … Obama is running a copy of his Presidency via Biden. We have to get rid of all of these greedy party puppets from the White House and from the Democrat Party.

Second Step. Start failing the Obama Team in elections. Barack’s entire gang is all about party puppetry, textbook politics and open loot. They don’t give a shit about solving any crisis. All of them are junk material that don’t deserve a place in the Congress, let alone the White House.

Third Step. Make Barack Obama “political poison”. Which means … whoever Barack works with … he or she should flunk in elections … thus, making Barack Obama political poison. The only thing that Barack has been doing since the past 4 Presidential terms is … creating party puppets who go on a looting spree. If we start failing Barack’s candidates … then we fail party puppets who would create trillions of additional debt for America and wage non-stop wars. We have to save America by failing Barack. Failing Barack is saving America.

Fourth Step. When Biden fails … Barack’s team members fail … whoever Barack works with fails … and when Barack becomes political poison … then the Democrat Party will itself abandon Barack Obama. The Democrat party will itself say thanks but no thanks for your involvement, Mr. Barack.

This is something that we did to Hillary … for the good of the Nation. Barack has turned out to be 10 times worse than Hillary. Again for the good of the Nation … we have to get rid of these greedy deaf, dumb and blind party puppets.  

Major Misconception – Michelle’s security
The major misconception that everyone had about Barack Obama is that … since Michelle maintains the security for the work … everyone expected Barack to step forward as a revolutionary hero for the country. But no, there is a world of a difference between Michelle and Barack. Michelle is a fighter and Barack is a puppet. He is Mr. Nod Along … sir, yes sir … whatever White people say … sir, yes sir. Stoopid … idiot.

For heaven’s sake … do not see Michelle’s good nature, fight for what is right and standing up for us in all scenarios … and start thinking that Barack will be a great leader as well. This is the biggest mistake that the SM Network has made. The fight that Michelle has in one finger … Barack doesn’t have that in his entire body. He is one stoopid pussy. Yes, he is good natured … nice and lovely speeches … but see what his leadership delivers for the people … debt, death and disasters.

Mr. Nice and Lovely is a freakin disaster
Michelle’s security and Barack’s good nature … are the major misleading factors in trusting Barack Obama for a major revolutionary change for America. The guy is good natured … thanks to his lovely Mom … but his leadership is a total disaster and that’s what matters in the work. We can’t give Presidential leadership to someone just because he is nice and lovely … even the results for the people should be nice and lovely. Mr. Nice and Lovely is a freaking disaster for the people.

At best, Barack will play some backend role
Trust me, even if Barack works with me … even then, he will only play a backend role. He will not have the balls to take any frontend role. That’s how he is. Please do NOT over estimate Barack … the best that he can and will do is … pull a few strings in the back end.

But yes, when the war has been fought and won … when the field is cleared … when what we create becomes the norm … its then that Barack will come forward to give a speech. Lol.

Get real
See … I am successful in designing strategies because I know the best and the worst that can come from each person. Every person cannot be your bookish ideal hero … we have to accept the best and the worst from a person … in the real world to create real victories. Stop over expecting from Barack … work with what he can actually do … work with facts and decide what has to be done with Barack.

Barack will decide his future
The Screw Barack Obama formula that I have given … we are not deciding Barack’s future. Barack himself will decide … if he wants to remain in leadership or not. Because of his inaction, stagnation and blocking our work … America is getting trillions of additional debt, wars are being waged and millions of lives are getting destroyed. Its time to decide what to do with Barack Obama. Put the formula in motion … and Barack himself will tell you what you have to do with him.