Okay then, what's stopping him? Did I ever say that I don't want Barack Obama to contact me or that I will not work with him?

The key question that you should ask Barack Obama is that ... why does he keep on saying that he will work with me and then he doesn't work with me? He says that he wants to work with me and then why does he look for excuses not to work with me? If Barack truly wants to work with me ... then why is he using all of you in between?

The fact that he is using you guys in between is that ... Barack Obama is still not completely honest in working with me. True fighters don't operate in this manner.

What Mr. Barack Obama has been doing is ... first he says that he wants to work with me and then he makes a 100 excuses not to work with me. If he truly wanted to change America and solve these massive crises then he would dodge a 100 obstacles and work with me. But Mr. Barack does the opposite.

So, the next time Mr. Barack tells anyone of you that he wants to work with me ... just tell him ... "why on Earth are you talking to me about it ... go talk with the guy that you want to work with".

Do you know what this actually means ... what it means to make excuses not to work with us?

  • This means that Mr. Barack Obama doesn't want to change anything in America.
  • He wants to allow Biden to do whatever he wants.
  • He wants Biden to follow the Party.
  • He has no intention of standing up to the Establishment.
  • He doesn't want to fight for the people.
  • He doesn't want to bring great reforms for the people.
  • He wants to nod along with everyone and allow everyone to do their shit.

This is what he has been doing since the past 15 years. Do you know what's common among the greatest leaders of the world? It might be Prophets or Kings or Presidents ... the common thing among them was that ... they fought for change. It might be Jesus Christ who called the people to one true God ... or Abraham Lincoln who fought against slavery. Each of them stood against what was wrong ... they fought to do what is right for the people.

They did not go with the flow ... they did not nod along with everyone ... but they presented what was right for the people and pulled everyone to what was right. They fought for change ... great leaders are drivers for change. Do you see this in Barack Obama? Oblablabla-ma makes lengthy moral science speeches and then does nothing after that.

Mr. Barack Obama has been bullshitting America for way too long. This is one of the key reasons why we have to terminate the Biden Presidency and then we have to see if Mr. Barack will change or not. If he will not change then we will thank him for all of his wonderful service for the Nation and will design America's leadership without him. We will put him on the sidelines until he realizes the bullshit leadership he has provided for America and he agrees to change.

Its incredibly important to fail Democrats and help Trump regain power. We can't allow Barack n Biden to screw America and the world for another 4 years. Barack n Biden are not drivers for change ... they are just cash hoarders at every pretext at every turn. This disastrous scam, in the name of a Presidency, needs to end.