I know, I know … most SM Groups are furious with Barack Obama … the guy turned out to be nothing but a donkey tied to a pole who can’t do shit for his country. You guys are furious because we save trillions for the country and save billions of lives … he ignores working on this project and uses some sexual garbage to avoid working with us … and then goes on a looting spree.

Barack’s victory formula to remain incompetent … “sexual garbage”
This is actually the idiot’s victory formula … that’s what he thinks … that’s how he probably justified his buddies as to why he is not working with us … “sexual garbage”. He uses us to get victory in elections and then uses sexual garbage to avoid working on anything … because working with us requires to fight for change … stand up to the Establishment … fight for the people … why do all of that, when you can simply use some sexual garbage and go on a looting spree? This is how this donkey, Barack Obama, has been operating since the past 15 years.

The donkey is married to Michelle
“Not only he screwed up his Presidency … he screwed up Trump’s Presidency … and then he also screwed up Biden’s Presidency. The idiot is a record breaking screw up.” I understand these emotions … yes, Barack is a freaking donkey … we all have seen, we know and we understand that. But before you guys take any drastic step towards Mr. Spectacular … you should understand that he is not another Romney or Hillary. The donkey is married to Michelle and she is already a part of the work … she manages a key part of the work. We can never ever take any step against Barack that may also impact Michelle … never ever.

I think you guys should operate based on a framework … so that, you guys know what to do and what not to do … in which fields you can get involved and where you have to stay away. The Obama family is very important … just because of one donkey we cannot screw up the entire family.

Flush out Barack Obama from politics if you find him involved in these activities
Yes, I agree to SM Groups that 4 Presidential terms and 15 years in Presidential leadership is more than enough time for someone to start using commonsense and start doing what is right. This donkey has been a complete embarrassment and a total failure to provide good leadership for the country. All he cares about is himself and his buddies … that’s all that Barack is about … himself and his buddies.

If you find him involved in the below activities then start flushing him out of politics … no more Presidential leadership … no more politicians listening to him … fast track his elimination from politics.

  • Barack continues to remain a party puppet.
  • Barack continues to blindly follow political and military advisers.
  • Barack continues to refuse to work with us and continues to make shitty excuses not to work with us.
  • Barack continues to obsess about sexual garbage. The guy shouldn’t even talk on this subject … let alone use this subject or obsess over it.
  • Barack refuses to use facts and logic.
  • Barack refuses to stop wars, genocide and crazy mass spending policies.
  • Barack cannot rise above his party … he cannot stand up to his party.
  • Barack refuses to network … refuses to fight for what is right … refuses to fight for the right policies.
  • Barack refuses to stand up to the Establishment … he refuses to break their monopoly

If you find Mr. Spectacular involved in the above activities then placing him in Presidential leadership only means creating obstacles for our work and allowing wars, debt, death and genocide for the people. We had enough of lecturing Mr. Barack Obama … now, please kick his ass out of politics. Enough of this donkey.

Support Barack Obama if you find him involved in the below activities
I understand all of your fury against Barack Obama but his situation is a little bit complex … that’s mainly because of Michelle. Sometimes Barack is not himself and he follows Michelle’s instructions. If you try to shoot down everything that Barack wants to do then you might end up shooting down and restricting Michelle’s activities. In a way, sometimes Barack provides a platform for Michelle’s activities. So, your fury should not end up destroying something good and positive.

The more Michelle did her thing, the more good things happened for America. The more Barack did his thing, the more disasters happened in America. Both good and bad are coming from the same family. Michelle is an independent thinker, Barack is a Democrat Donkey.

So, while we stop and eliminate the donkey in Barack … we have to support the good and positive independent thinker that is there in Michelle.

  • Firstly, fiercely support, protect and respect Michelle in all of her activities … be with her in every step of the way
  • Support all of her activities in the SM realm to bring change, knock out bad actors and to stand up to negative elements.
  • Support Barack when his moves are on the right track. Support him when he shows change to what is right.

Obama bashing has a purpose
If Barack changes and starts doing what he is supposed to be doing … then you also need to change and support what he is doing. Keep in mind … this “Obama bashing” is not being done to destroy Obama. These are our priorities in this Obama bashing process …

  • Save America from Obama’s incompetence. Our topmost allegiance is to the people and the country … everything that we do is for the good of the people. If the guy that we chose to be a great leader has turned out to be a donkey tied to a pole … then it would be simply foolish for us to allow this donkey to destroy the country year after year … term after term … presidency after presidency. If Barack chooses to remain an incompetent bum then it is our duty to save America from this incompetent bum.
  • Reform the Democrat Party. In the scenario where Barack doesn’t change and he doesn’t step forward to work with us and do what’s necessary for the people … then we cannot allow the Democrat Party to be held hostage by a donkey. The donkey will be shelved aside … America’s leadership will be designed under other Democrats. Right now, Barack is not only screwing himself but he has screwed the leadership that should come from the entire Democrat party. It’s a must to look into ways of how to reform the Democrat Party under other leaders.
  • Save Barack Obama. Who knows … the guy might change. We are not totally eliminating Barack Obama from politics all together. If Barack shows the right changes and he comes on the right track … then we can save him and maintain him in Presidential leadership for the country.

The entire Barack Obama bashing process is actually good for America … it is good for the Democrat Party … and it is also good for Barack Obama … in the long run.

What not to do?
Now, that you guys have a basic understanding of the goals … these are the things that you should never ever do.

Never touch his family
Never ever touch his family … never try to break his family apart. There is no Michelle divorcing Barack … there is no Malia Obama giving up her Dad’s name. Firstly because, this not only Barack’s family … this is also Michelle’s family. She is a key part of our work and we want her to have a strong, loving, caring and supportive family. Stronger the family, stronger will be her foundation to do the work … and more will be the possibilities of taking the work into the next generations.

Secondly, because we are not looking at total and permanent elimination of Barack from politics. Even if the guy doesn’t step forward … even if the guy is shelved temporarily … then there is a possibility that he may enter the work … even if it means some crucial background support. Now, at that moment in time … when both Michelle and Barack are supporting the work … do you want to see their family broken apart?

The best things in the world become even better when they are shared with your loved ones. We are trying to make Barack a great leader and we cannot do that by taking away his loved ones.

Family is always off limits … it doesn’t matter who we are dealing with … it might be Barack or Hillary or Romney. The family itself is a very close and effective environment where positive molding can be done. Instead of breaking the family apart, we should encourage the family members to put the candidates on the right track.

Breaking the family will weaken the candidate
Breaking the family will weaken the candidate and it can also weaken how the candidate will contribute to the work … thus, impacting our work. This especially applies to Barack because he is surrounded by very positive, lovely and effective relatives like Malia, Sasha and Michelle.

Even if these candidates want to break away from Barack on their own … we should stop it and maintain his family. Because our perspective and objectives are all about the people … our bashing is completely about the people … it shows the disastrous leadership of the candidate. We make and dismantle Presidencies … we shelf candidates … we remove candidates and bring them in whenever we want. Presidencies can operate in this way but families cannot.

A small tip for Michelle and Malia
You cannot remove your husband and bring him in whenever you want. You cannot remove your father and bring him in whenever you want. Michelle and Malia cannot follow and copy our work at the family level. Yes, you can bash and you can support … but you cannot remove and bring back family members when you want. I would suggest you to opt to “bashing” rather than removing or disconnecting from Barack. The bashing might have some positive results but its quite unlikely that removing or disconnecting will have a positive result.

Feel free to give him a nice verbal bashing … fix his brains … and put him on the right track. You will be doing your Nation a great favor. In fact, I would suggest all of Barack’s friends and family members to repeatedly give him a nice verbal bashing … so that he stops being a donkey tied to a pole … and he can be a great leader for his people and country.