OBumBama's sexual garbage
Now, watch Obama sit there making excuses ... not doing anything ... allowing genocides to continue and trillions to pile up. Sexual garbage is the excuse that he is using to remain incompetent and do nothing.

Lol. He is not doing this since now or since one month or since one year ... he has been playing this gimmick since more than 7 years now. Yes, Barack Obama turned out to be a shitty liar and a fraud ... a typical Washington politician, I must say.

Get rid of the Donkey Team from the White House
The first thing that we have to do is ... get rid of the Donkey Team from the White House. Barack n Biden need to pack up their bags full of sexual garbage and need to get out of the White House. We have no place for donkeys in Presidential leadership.

Michelle, Putin and Trump will lead the world for life
No, this is not about choosing Trump ... Michelle, Putin and Trump have already been chosen to lead the world for life. All of these 3 candidates have proven themselves again and again to use commonsense ... follow facts and logic ... and do what is right. These 3 candidates are chosen to lead the world for life.

Need to reform the Democrat Party
Bashing Barack Obama is more about saving America from the Donkey Team in the White House ... and then fix the Democrat Party and Barack's leadership. If I remain silent and don't get involved then it means that I support this stupid and disastrous leadership. Its a must to remove Biden from the White House ... he is just one greedy asshole on a looting spree. At any moment in time, the guy will be pushing the Congress to blow up trillions at some stupid program or the other. As we speak, he needs hundreds of billions for his border bill, I guess.

Blow up trillions to pocket by the billions - The Biden Presidency
The guy's solution to every problem is ... throw a trillion dollars at the problem ... pocket by the billions ... and then move on to the next problem. Now, he will attempt to solve the next problem ... by throwing a trillion dollars at that problem and pocket billions from that problem as well. Blowing up trillions on the pretext of solving each problem and pocket by the billions ... this is the Biden Presidency in a nutshell.

And the asshole that we chose to guide Biden turned out to be a total incompetent bum ... who sits there watching all disasters while taking commissions from the ongoing mass spending. If he is pushed to lead and fix the crises that he was chosen for ... then he will use some irrelevant stupid sexual bullshit not to do anything and continues to remain an incompetent bum.

This is not about choosing Trump ... this is about not allowing these incompetent greedy donkeys to loot America by the trillions again and again ... its about not allowing these incompetent donkeys to wage non-stop wars and create genocide in the world for another Presidential term. Trump was a hundred times better than these freaking morons.

Barack Obama doesn't have the balls n brains to lead
Barack Obama can never ever lead with Biden in the White House. Biden and Pelosi don't give a shit about Barack OBumBama. Infact, Barack is not a leader at all. This guy has not shown any kind of good leadership other than give some bullshit speeches. Barack is a "backend entity" ... he doesn't take the risk ... he doesn't stand up to anyone. Forget about standing up to the Establishment, he can't even stand up to his own party. This guy is useful only in backend operations where he will bear no responsibility or accountability.

That's why we need Trump on the frontend and we can use this stupid moron at least in the backend. He will learn what he has to do ... he will watch others take on the fight ... and then he will be another soldier in the battlefield to take the fight forward. Barack is not a leader who can lead solo ... he is not someone who can show a new direction and pull the world on his side. Barack is a follower ... he is Mr. Nod Along.

A challenge for Barack Obama ... go ahead prove me wrong
Here is some evidence for you ... have you ever seen Barack Obama stand up to the Democrat Party publicly? If Barack is a good logical leader ... then let him step forward and stand up against Biden's and his party's ridiculous trillion dollar spending on Climate Change. I challenge him right now ... c'mon Mr. Two Term President ... let's see if you have some balls down there. Step forward and condemn your party's nonsensical anti-fossil fuel policies.

Being a two term President doesn't make you right ... nor does it make you a great leader. You are just another bum among the pile of bums in Washington. The only thing is ... you are a little bit better than the rest of the bums.

Biden's re-election will be continued disasters for America and the world
Right now, the most important thing to do in America is ... save Trump from these ongoing lawsuits and flush out these greedy good for nothing donkeys from the White House ... and make Trump president again. This will save America and the world from these greedy donkeys and give us the platform to change the Democrat Party and help us change Barack Obama.

Biden's re-election will be a disaster for America with trillions of debt piling up more and more ... and continued wars, death and genocide for the world. We have to get rid of this donkey from the White House.

Go ahead ... go ahead ... sit there and continue to obsess over sex ... good for nothing donkeys.