How President DonkeyKong operates
Some guys are asking me … “why are you against Barack Obama? He is going to contact you and work with you.” Ow, is that what you think? Now, let me explain how President DonkeyKong operates.

Maintain power to mint money
This is Barack ODonkeyBama’s political mantra … this is his objective … his goal … and his very purpose of being in politics. In fact, this is how most career and textbook politicians operate. They are in politics for the money … that’s all that they care about. Screw the people … screw the Nation … screw the reforms … screw solving any crisis. The only thing that ODonkeyBama cares about is money … remain in power for the money.

If you leave his speeches aside … and see all of his real time actions and policies … then is what ODonkeyBama does.

Why indirect signals?
Let me explain with examples … it will help. How did you get this information that … “Barack wants to work with me and that he will contact me?” You got it via indirect signals, isn’t it? I have seen these signals hundreds of times. I haven’t got a single phone call … not a single email … not a single message on Whatsapp or on Skype or whatever. There is absolutely no actual movement in real time. He plays only via indirect signals. Why?

ODonkeyBama’s “image management tactic”
Its nothing but … Mr. Barack ODonkeyBama’s image management tactic. The asshole simply runs a “show” … throws a few people around me … giving some signals about this and that. This show is not for me at all … this show is not about doing the work at all. This is mainly about this donkey’s image management … that everyone should think that … he made some effort … that he tried to do something … and because of some unforeseen reason that’s generally blamed on me … the contact didn’t happen.

The thing is I am very popular in the SM Network. There are a lot of people, celebrities and politicians who track what I write. And when I trash this moron for not doing anything while the country is burning and the people need his help … he runs these stupid shows of indirect signals.

While our ODonkeyBama is maintaining power and minting his money while the country is burning … this is how the asshole maintains his image among his circle. If this rascal had an iota of honesty in him … if he had an iota of true intentions of working with me … then he wouldn’t sit there bullshitting me with indirect signals. He would have simply sent me a message saying “hey, this is Barack … I will contact you at so and so date and time.”

Beautiful Mind – Delusional
The second purpose of these bullshit indirect signals is that … is not actually about working with me … the asshole wants to say that “I am delusional”. He is trying to pick an old stupid gimmick from the movie the Beautiful Mind … lol textbook politician … the Donkey can’t do any better … he is trying to use the Beautiful Mind concept to say that I am delusional.

You think that asshole is trying to work with me? He is doing the opposite, my dear ladies … while he is trying to maintain a heroic image of himself, he is using these stupid signals to say that I am delusional. Freakin asshole.

Shouldn’t have wasted time on this moron
Yeah, I regret wasting 15 years of my life trying to mold this freakin moron in the right direction. He turned out to be nothing more than a donkey tied to a pole who can never do anything different. I should have simply kicked his ass out and pulled someone else to lead the Democrat party.

15 years of my life are wasted … 15 years of progress that America could make are wasted … America has piled up a total additional debt of $24 Trillion right under this moron’s nose … half a dozen countries have been destroyed and millions of people have died. And what is this freakin moron doing? Playing with signals … maintaining himself in power to keep on minting money while America keeps on burning by the trillions … and he has absolutely no intention of doing anything real and anything positive to bring about good change.

Barack ODonkeyBama is a freakin fraud … a liar and a thief … and he is only looking for ways to maintain his track record of being a fraud, a liar and a thief. He doesn’t plan anything new.

Restructure the Democrat Party
Not only Biden has to be removed from power … but we have to remove the entire DonkeyKong’s team from power. Pelosi, Schumer, Adam Shitty Shit … the entire Obama’s donkey gang has to go. We need fresh blood … with a new perspective … with a fight to do what is right … to lead America. We can’t have these donkeys lead America anymore.

Barack ODonkeyBama will sit aside and see how its done.

Fighting with Donkeys instead with the Establishment
Our core work is to fight against the Establishment … the bankers, the corporations and their political puppets. Our key fight is to revolutionize America. Not a single step has been taken forward in this direction because we have a freakin donkey in the lead.

Instead of bringing revolutions … we are sitting here fighting with stupid donkeys. ODonkeyBama is too much of a pussy to step forward and too greedy to step aside to allow others to lead. Doesn’t know shit … can’t do shit … but too greedy to step aside. The best that he comes up with is … stupid signals. Idiot.

Prove yourself ODonkeyBama
Here is some real time action … to see if you can actually fit into the work that has to be done out there.

One. Shoot down Biden’s Climate Change propaganda
Climate Change is real but spending trillions of taxpayer money in the name of Climate Change is nothing but defrauding the people. This whole thing is a scam. I challenge you Mr. Two Time President … let’s see how much balls n brains you have … step forward to do what is right for the American people … challenge and shoot down Biden’s Climate Change agenda.

It took just two lines for me to write for Trump to take a stand on this. All I had to tell Trump was that “it is an Establishment scam … don’t do it”. And Trump stood against all Democrats, fellow Republicans, media entities and also several countries not to get involved in the crazy mass spending that the Climate Change propaganda was asking for. I wrote two lines and Trump saved trillions of American taxpayer money by taking my advice.

You have been a donkey all along … doing whatever the party tells you to … but let me give you the benefit of the doubt. Step forward and show that you can change … let’s see if you can stand for what is right and handle some opposition. Let’s see if you have some balls n brains to handle this work.

Two. Shove your indirect signals up your ass and message me directly
Here’s the second challenge … you should be able to manage this … as it doesn’t involve any opposition. The only opposition you will face is your own stupidity … I hope you will be able overcome this obstacle.

Shove your indirect signals up your ass … I know exactly what you are doing with your stupid signals. You have my number … message me directly. Maybe you will not lead the Democrat party but at least you could get involved in the restructuring of the party. This comes with a condition that … no more donkey business or your donkey gang. Every single member of the team should be an independent thinker and a fighter for the people’s cause.