Why do you think Barack ODonkeyBama’s activities are filled with indirect signals and sexual garbage? Because he has absolutely no intention of doing anything … he is in it only for the money. Follow the party like a donkey and continue the loot.

Calling Ellen – Check what she is doing in her bedroom first
Let me show you how ridiculous this guy’s sexual garbage is. For example … ODonkeyBama has to call Ellen DeGeneres. She is a close friend and they often talk to each other on the phone. So now … before making the call does DonkeyKong check what Ellen is doing in her bedroom? Does DonkeyKong spy in Ellen’s bedroom and computer?

Ow, ow … Ellen is a lesbian … she is playing with her girlfriend’s pussy … let’s wait for some time and let her finish. Owww, its been an hour … she can’t get her hands off her girlfriend’s pussy … damn. Should I call today or should I call tomorrow? Maybe I should call tomorrow.

And then tomorrow … let’s wait for Ellen to calm down … snap out of it and sober up a little bit. She can’t talk to President DonkeyKong while she has her head in her girlfriend’s pussy, can she? Let’s give her a couple of days.

And then the third day … ooops, Ellen is back to playing with her partner’s pussy again. So, should President DonkeyKong call Ellen or she has too much of pussy going on in her life? Lol.

Trust me, this how this asshole has been operating since more than 7 years now. This use of sexual garbage is going on since 7 years. This rascal has been dicking around with some shitty excuse or the other … and he has also told Biden to use the same gimmicks. “Don’t give a shit … just use some sexual garbage … avoid working with him … follow the party … continue the loot” … this is ODonkeyBama’s political style.

Tell me, who is wrong on this front? Is Ellen wrong or is ODonkeyBama wrong? Would you be okay if DonkeyKong is spying on your computer and in your bedroom? Is this how you use someone’s sexual life … to decide whether to contact or not to contact?

You stupid freaking moron … not only using sexual garbage to avoid your responsibility towards your people and country simply ridiculous … but the fact that you spy in other’s personal life, that itself is disgusting. You are one stupid shameless donkey who stoops to whatever level to do what suits your agenda of “maintain power to mint money”.

What Ellen does in her personal space is none of your freaking business, you stupid donkey. If you want to call then call … or you drop her a message … this is how the normal world works … this is how the real world works.

But in your great genius donkey head … the brilliant formula is … just maintain a nice public image … blame the other guy … have no responsibilities at all … make no commitments at all … why do any work … ignore everything … follow the party and continue the loot. This is the main reason why you have been sticking to sexual garbage and indirect signals, isn’t it Mr. Barack ODonkeyBama?

This is as genius as you can get, isn’t it? Stupid freaking idiot … a total donkey.