Well, let's just say ... desperate times require desperate measures. Lol.

Firstly, trust me ... I myself didn't expect this guy to be so much hard wired into following his party. I had no idea that he was simply using me to get the Presidency. I was putting the complete strategy forward of how America had to be taken forward under Biden, Obama and Trump. But Obama simply using me to go on a looting spree with his buddy Biden and giving America the finger ... this was the last thing that I expected from Mr. Long Moral Science Speeches ... Barack Obama.

Trusted Barack Obama
Secondly, as per my calculations ... okay we gave them the power, they know the issues and they know that they have to get in touch with me. So, I didn't care to push them much to work with me. Also because I was totally fed up of asking Trump to work with me again and again ... instead of working with me, the guy was turning against me. I didn't want the same thing with Barack n Biden. I gave them all the time they needed to get in touch with me.

Biden’s looting spree
Amusingly, instead of working with me ... Barack n Biden go on a looting spree ... trillions and trillions at every turn possible under every pretext possible. One year passes by and SM groups start saying ... "okay, we are terminating the Biden Presidency. These guys are selfish assholes who are only on a looting spree. This is not why we gave them power ... we are removing them from the Presidency."

SM: Termination of the Biden Presidency
Here is where I started alerting Biden that his Presidency is planned to be terminated. He needs to take care of some issues ... he can't go on a looting spree like this. Biden didn't care nor did Barack. I reminded several times that Biden's failure would be seen as Barack's failure ... but Barack didn't give a shit. Who cares about failures when you are busy minting by the trillions?

Sexual garbage and contact drills
Another year passes by ... they don't give a shit and if there's something they would do is then it would be ... some fake contact setups ... where they would pretend to contact just to maintain a good image among their circle and then use some sexual garbage to walk away. Whenever, their image would get affected ... they would simply use these "contact drills" to manage their image.

Both Barack n Biden didn't give a shit about America or the American people ... they only cared about their loot and managing their image in the process. Then we tried to pull Michelle in the game ... Barack wouldn't listen to Michelle. The guy turned out to be a hardcore moron and a total puppet.

Malia changes the game
And then what happens this year is that ... Malia Obama gets involved. God knows how she started tracking what I was writing ... she comes to know the loser that her father is and decides to dump the name "Obama". And I am like ... okay this is bad ... his family is breaking apart.

So, I had to revise the strategy a little bit ... where I had to maintain his family strong and close ... while I trash the shit out of him and show him the moron that he is ... and show him how he is adversely screwing up America and American leadership.

Its not that I waited to show who Barack Obama is ... Malia pushed me to change the strategy a little bit. Its a multi-level tactic where ...

  • I have to maintain a strong and closely knit family for Obamas.
  • I have to trash Barack real nice so that he sees the real him and understands the change that's needed.
  • I have to create a leadership team from the Democrat party with either Barack involved or even without him to lead America.

Can’t allow Barack to hold America hostage
What America really needs right now is ... good fighters from the Democrat party to lead America ... something like we have Trump on the Republican side. We can't allow one guy to hold America hostage and screw the nation year after year ... presidency after presidency. Barack has been a donkey for a long long time ... either he changes or we move on without him. This is a must for America.

Yes, yelling the crap out of Barack Obama helps me save his family. Lol.

See ... here's how it works. If I am nice to Barack and he continues to be a donkey ... then his wife and daughters think that he is an asshole ... who can't fix anything and who can't get anything done right. I will be seen as the nice guy and he will be seen as the bad guy because of whose incompetence disasters are happening in the world.

That's why Michelle and Malia were upset with Barack. It went to such an extent that they themselves started rolling up their sleeves and started taking action at a personal level.

But when I change the strategy and I myself trash the shit out of Barack and ask everyone to trash and bash Barack ... then it changes the equation. The ladies at home see that Barack is getting trashed again and again ... they expect him to change and they push him to change. My trashing Barack releases their anger ... it eliminates the need for them to come into action at a personal level against Barack and in fact, they try to become constructive and solve the issue.

Yes, me trashing Barack ... helps to keep his family together. Instead of the ladies becoming aggressive ... they try to defend Barack and try to solve the problem. It reverses the dynamics at home.