Some SM Groups are worrying about my security if Trump gets re-elected?
Here are a few things that you guys need to know about Trump and Obama.

One. Chose security over policies
The strategy that I proposed to the SM Network during 2020 elections was that … maintain Trump in the White House … he is doing an excellent job. He might not be taking America forward but he is holding the fort very well. Democrats are a total disaster in terms of policies … Biden is a greedy asshole and it was like hitting your head against the wall to get freaking Obama to make any change at all. Obama was a deaf, dumb and blind President who wouldn’t change shit … and Biden is a greedy asshole with disastrous policies … helping these guys take over the Presidency is nothing but enabling disasters for America and the world.

Trump was dodging all disastrous policies … he was stopping all new wars … he should have been maintained in the lead … while Obama should first “prove himself” that he is not a deaf, dumb and blind moron … that he could change … that he could actually support and fight for the right policies. Fail Biden so that they abandon these crazy mass spending policies and climate change crap … so that, Democrats can work in the opposition party with the right policies while Trump will filter them out and support their right moves.

This configuration would …

  • Maintain peace in the world via Trump in the lead
  • Trump would shoot down all disastrous mass spending policies
  • Democrat policies of mass spending and climate change crap would have been shot down
  • Obama and his team would work on the right policies for America

This was the configuration that was suggested for the good of the world … but the major blunder that Trump made in the last months of his Presidency was … “pay Obama n Biden not to work with us”. Trump had gone a little bit too pro-Establishment and pro-Israel … he was refusing to take action on the Establishment … and this came to such an extent that he paid Obama not to work with us. This infuriated SM … that the guy won’t lead nor will he allow others to take the lead … and they removed him from the White House.

But this move was a major blunder as far as America and the world was concerned. Some SM Groups thought that … “hey Obamas maintain your security and they have a higher chance of working with you … Trump is obstructing the process” … and they gave the White House to two stupid greedy donkeys … Obama n Biden.

SM chose security over policies … removed a guy that was simply excellent in dodging all disasters and wars … who was maintaining peace in the world … and they brought two stupid greedy donkeys who care about nothing but going on a full-scale looting spree for as long as they will remain in power.

“Obama will secure one guy and kill a million innocent people”
… this is what it means removing Trump from power and giving the Presidency to Obama n Biden … I told this during Trump’s last year in office. You guys were shocked at that statement … now look around … see the disasters in Ukraine and Gaza. My security is managed by Michelle … it doesn’t matter who the President is. Giving the Presidency to these stupid greedy donkeys was the biggest blunder that you guys have ever made. That’s point number one … coming to the next point.

Two. Worrying about security under Trump
See … here’s the bottom line … Trump is not evil … he is a nice guy. He doesn’t hold grudges and we are the ones who are shooting down the Biden Presidency to make him President … we are the ones protecting him from going to jail. Secondly, we will guide him and help Obama fight with the right policies to lead America. Since it will be done under the Trump Presidency … Trump is the one who will get all of the credit. So, why would he be against me … when I am the one protecting him from jail … getting him the White House … and making him a great President?

Three. Obama bashing will continue for as long as Obama will either lead or get out of the way
Yes, there is going to be a small change in how things will work during Trump’s second term. We will no longer push Trump to work with us … but instead Obama bashing will continue for as long as Obama will either lead or get out of the way.

Trump automatically follows us when it comes to …

  • Dodging all disastrous policies
  • Stopping all wars … maintaining peace in the world
  • He will rip up all of Biden’s ridiculous policies of mass spending and climate change crap on day one

Technically Trump will do all of the good that’s required and flush out all of the disasters that these stupid greedy donkeys came up with, from day one onwards. There is absolutely no coercion involved in this … this is Trump’s psyche … he doesn’t tolerate disasters under his rule … he goes only for the good stuff. Trump automatically operates in this manner.

The main issue is with Barack ODonkeyBama
Trust me, the issue is not with Trump … but it is with this freaking donkey Barack Obama. This idiot is a textbook politician who thinks that the best thing that’s possible is … being in Presidential leadership, following Presidential advisers and going for the loot … this is as best as life can get for him. This is Barack ODonkeyBama’s zenith … this is as best as he can operate. The moron can’t think outside the box and he cannot do anything new or challenging that’s not done before.

You are expecting great leadership from Barack by working with us … but the asshole is simply using us to remain in power. He has no intention of leading in anything or changing anything at all. He is using us to remain in power to go for the loot … he is one stupid greedy asshole. Leave his long moral science speeches aside … this is who he is.

The moron only follows the text book and keeps on doing stuff that doesn’t work. His inaction and incompetence is destroying all of the fantastic leadership that can be designed via the Democrat party. The moron loves to be a puppet and he is making a party puppet out of everyone that he works with.

Obama’s choices ahead
It is because of this stupid moron that the entire project is lagging since several years. There will be no pressure for Trump at all in his second term but Barack Obama will have to make a choice ahead.

His best option was to take a frontend lead … but we all know that Barack Obama doesn’t have the balls n brains to step forward to fight for what is right. He is just another greedy textbook politician who is on a looting spree. If I am wrong … I openly challenge Barack Obama to step forward to condemn and shoot down all of Biden’s mass spending policies. Go ahead … Mr. Barack Obama … I openly challenge you … let’s see … prove me wrong.

The thing is … not only Barack Obama doesn’t have the balls n brains to fight for what is right … but he is in on the loot … he himself is making money off Biden’s mass spending policies. Heh … lol. This will come to an end once the Biden Presidency is shot down and Trump becomes President. If Barack Obama doesn’t have the balls n brains to do what is right … we should at least have the balls n brains to do what is right. Shoot down the Biden Presidency for the good of the world.

Barack Obama’s actual feasible options ahead
So, forget about frontend leadership … Barack is just too much of a pussy to do that. The only feasible options that Barack can actually work on are …

  • Re-structure the Democrat party. Everyone is not created to fight in a battle. However, Barack can play a crucial role in re-structuring the Democrat party … and help good fighters take the lead from the Democrat party. We already have Trump in the Republican party … we need a Trump in the Democrat party. Barack can work on unleashing several Trumps from the Democrat party. It’s a backend role that would suit Barack.
  • Step aside. If President DonkeyKong doesn’t want to do shit … then he should simply step aside. Michelle can unleash other Democrats to fight for America. America should not be held hostage because one stupid donkey won’t take the lead.

What’s the point of being in Presidential leadership when you won’t do shit for the country? If all that you care about is being in power to continue the loot … then guys like you should get your balls electrocuted and get their asses kicked out of power.

If Barack continues to remain a stupid donkey then Trump will decide who will lead America from the Republican Party after his second term. The Republican Party controlled by Trump will get one Presidency after another.