Okay … let’s look at things from a neutral perspective … without taking anyone’s sides. Our decisions are based on the impact of each leader’s actions and policies on the people. We decide who will remain in power based upon the actual impact on the people. With this perspective, let’s take a look at Obama and Trump.

Secure one guy and kill a million innocent people
Our guy in the Democrat party has consistently shown a record of “securing one guy and killing millions of people”. Barack Obama has done this during his Presidency and he is repeating the same in the Biden Presidency. Why does this happen?

  • Michelle manages security. Its actually Michelle Obama who secures our work. She has secured our work during Obama, Trump and Biden. Doesn’t matter who the President is … Michelle manages security.
  • Barack is a freaking puppet. While Michelle secures one guy, Barack Obama goes on a looting spree and killing millions of people via genocidal wars … by teaming up with his Democrat buddies.

The good comes from Michelle and the disasters come from this freaking moron Barack Obama.

Expecting progress and change for America via Barack was a miscalculation
What you guys thought was that … since Obamas protect you and since they know a lot about Establishment malice … and given Trump’s inaction against the Establishment … there is a high chance of Barack Obama taking things forward for America. That’s technically why you guys gave Biden the Presidency.

But unfortunately, this freaking greedy selfish donkey … Barack Obama … he is only using us to remain in power and to go on a looting spree. Its just a gimmick for him … he has absolutely no intention of working with us or changing anything in America. He is a freaking donkey enslaved to textbook politics … he cannot think anything beyond that nor can he do anything new to bring about real change.

Why should America be held hostage by a bunch of greedy donkeys?
The key question that you should ask is … why should America be held hostage by a bunch of greedy donkeys who don’t care at all? America is in its worst crisis financially with the highest debt, cost of living and inflation … the world is on the verge of a nuclear war … and all that these assholes can think of is continuing the loot by the trillions and continue the damn genocidal wars that are killing millions of people.

Why should we maintain America’s leadership … why should America be held hostage in the hands of such deaf, dumb and blind greedy donkeys? Especially when we already have a phenomenally great guy on the other side?

Barack n Biden failed to understand Trump’s progress
We told Barack n Biden again and again and again … to understand the progress that Trump has made … to move beyond Trump … to surpass Trump … and then work on solutions to save America.  But they didn’t give a shit … because saving America from its multiple crises was never in their program at all. The only thing they wanted was the Presidency by hook or crook. Once they got the Presidency, they went on a full scale looting spree.

They didn’t bother to contact … they didn’t bother to change … they didn’t bother to fix any crisis whatsoever. This is how deaf, dumb and blind Barack ODonkeyBama has been during his Presidency and this exactly how he is repeating his donkey behavior even during the Biden Presidency. So, why maintain these donkeys in power … when we clearly know that these guys are a bunch of greedy donkeys?

How is this right and good for America?

Saving Trump is saving America
I often used this line … “saving Trump is saving America” … during Trump’s Presidency to protect him from jail traps and impeachment. But today, take a look at Barack n Biden’s leadership … look at their freaking disasters … look how they are scamming America … look at their looting spree … look at their genocidal wars … look how they stand there totally deaf, dumb and blind to reason and logic … why should we keep these donkeys in power when we have Trump who has been a 100 times better than them?

Trump has never been deaf, dumb and blind … he has always used reason and logic … he has always dodged all disastrous policies and wars … he never went for a non-stop multi-trillion dollar looting spree. Trump was a peace champion … he was just one step away from breaking the Establishment and creating a new era for America.

Trump has never been a puppet of his party … he rules and dominates his party. He maintains phenomenal influence in his party even when he is not President … he is doing all of the good stuff even without us pushing him to do so.

Barack n Biden stand there being deaf, dumb and blind greedy donkeys … while Trump fights on the right track only when given the right direction. We have to save Trump … America’s liberation from the Establishment can come via Trump.

Routes of victory via Trump
While I have shown how Obamas can reform the Democrat party … we should analyze all routes of victory via Trump as well. The first fact that we all have to admit about Trump is that … he is a great fighter … he is no textbook politician … and he is not a puppet to anyone. Taking new measures and fighting for what is right is exactly what America needs right now.

Like we have Trump in the Republican Party … we need several Trumps in the Democrat party as well. This has to be done with or without Barack Obama … America cannot afford to be held hostage by one stupid greedy donkey. We have to aggressively and actively work on every route to save America with or without Barack Obama.

Routes of victory for America via Trump look something like this …

  • Save Trump from jail. Nancy Pelosi cannot believe that Trump is still charging ahead despite a conviction. Now, she wants an intervention against Trump. Lol. Trump’s legal issues are nothing but textbook politics from Biden and Pelosi. She is expecting a second term for Biden via a Trump conviction. We have to protect Trump from jail. Either he doesn’t get a jail sentence or we help him appeal and prolong this case until elections.
  • Give Trump the Presidency. We should shoot down the Biden Presidency and give Trump all of the votes that he needs to deliver a crushing defeat to these greedy donkeys. The moment Trump becomes President … he will automatically shoot down all of Biden’s mass spending policies and end his wars. All of the trash that Barack n Biden have piled up in the past 4 years, Trump will clear it off on day one.
  • Drop lawsuits or a retrial. The moment Trump becomes President either lawsuits will drop or we should help him get a retrial … and end his legal issues.
  • Trump can directly lead. Yes, there is an obvious chance that Trump can directly lead to create a new America but trust me … Trump is not the problem that America is facing. Trump is actually a blessing for America. It is these shameless greedy donkeys … Barack, Biden and Pelosi … who are holding America hostage to run their own schemes of loot.
  • Restructuring the Democrat Party is a must. Our priority should be to give support to Trump’s leadership via the Democrat Party. We have to knock out these greedy donkeys from the Democrat party by working with Barack … and if Barack continues to remain a donkey then no problem … let’s help Trump break the Democrat party just like we helped him take over the Republican party. We should help Trump get a group of Democrats who will work with Trump for what is right for America.
  • Trump will create the next Presidents. We gave the opportunity to Barack to create the next President and he delivered nothing but death, destruction and debt for the world. If Barack doesn’t lead right … then never again we should trust this donkey with Presidential leadership. A candidate connected with Barack Obama should never ever again enter the White House … coz we know exactly what Barack does and how he operates. Trump should be the one who will create the next Presidents thereon … not Barack Obama.

When we give constant defeats to Barack’s candidates then no one will follow Barack Obama and his bullshit party puppetry anymore. The Democrat Party will itself abandon Barack Obama. At the same time, when we give Trump and his candidates victories in elections … then we consolidate Trump for life in American political leadership.

Barack has clearly shown himself to be one stupid dumb doofus … there is no reason to wait for one stupid doofus to lead America and there is no reason to allow America to be held hostage by one stupid dumb doofus. Not only we have to save Trump from jail and make him President again … but we have to help him break the Democrat party and pull a group of Democrats on his side. This will change the entire game in Washington.

There are routes of victory via Barack and there are routes of victory via Trump. But the difference between Barack and Trump is that … Barack is one stupid dumb doofus who doesn’t step forward to fight for anything that is right … and everything that Trump has been doing is extraordinary and he is an excellent fighter for what is right. Barack remains a puppet like a donkey tied to a pole … while Trump dominates and controls his entire party.

While it is important to make Trump the President again … it is equally important to break the Democrat party and get it out of the control of shameless stupid greedy donkeys. A combo of these two measures can facilitate progress and success for America.