Biden wants the "Lord Almighty" to tell him to drop out of the race
Well, did the Almighty tell you to run for President? Did the Almighty tell you to go on a looting spree by the trillions at every turn? Did the Almighty tell you to sponsor non-stop wars? Did the Almighty tell you to destroy the lives of millions of people?

The guy is nothing but a disastrous sex psycho ... who has done only two things ... loot the country and remained stuck to sexual garbage. Now, he talks about the Almighty as if everything that he does is told by the Almighty. Barack n Biden are nothing but stoopid cheap cheesy dumb ass morons who will say anything to remain in power and do anything to keep on looting the country. Both of them don't deserve to be in Presidential leadership at all.

Why give explanations? Biden should challenge Trump in another debate.
Why is Biden giving speeches and interviews to justify and explain his debate performance? If he really has the guts then call for an extra debate immediately. If you really have it in you then let's see how you perform in an additional debate. Lol.

You dumb ass moron, you never had it in you even in 2020. You were hidden under the basement and had 2 dozen honking cars in your rallies. We gave you the Presidency in the hopes that freakin Barack will step forward to create a meaningful and revolutionary hero out of you. But you guys turned out to be a gang of greedy morons who only care about looting the country.

Yes, your mental acuity is a concern ... but the bigger issue is that the entire Democrat leadership is a 1000 times more disastrous than your stupid brain. They can put a fresh face with fresh brains like Gavin Newsom at the drop of the hat ... but your brains are not the main problem. Its the shit show leadership that the Moron King Barack Obama has designed ... that's the major issue out there.

You think you can wage non-stop wars and you will continue to remain President? Heh, we will see ... we will see. You thank God that your ass is not yet in jail. The only reason why SM didn't activate jail options for you is that you are dying decaying old moron who has no idea of the time or place or what's going on. Removing you from the White House is the least that can be done.

Biden should step aside
Biden should step aside ... not because Democrats would have a higher chance of winning with Harris-Newsom ... but because Democrats have to lose elections even if Harris is given the nomination.

Here's the thing ... everybody knows that Biden is old and mentally handicapped. But his Presidency is not a disaster because he is old and mentally handicapped. Biden's Presidency is a disaster because of the policies designed by the team of greedy, self-serving, morons led by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Biden is not to be blamed alone for the greedy disasters of his Presidency but the entire key Democrat leadership has to be blamed for it.

Democrat policies are a disaster
Let's say ... if Biden continues to remain the election and he loses to Trump ... then Democrats get an excuse and they will blame Biden's old age and mental challenges for their failure. When actually the truth is ... Biden's failure has nothing to do with his age or mental acuity ... Biden is failing because of his non-stop multi-trillion dollar loot of the country, non-stop wars, greedy self-serving policies and being a total moron in leadership.

Let's assume Biden is replaced by Harris-Newsom ... now, this is fresh blood ... no issues with age or mental acuity. This is the combo that Trump has to crush. If we help Trump crush this combo then it would be the true elimination of Biden's disastrous policies and a true defeat for this entire team of greedy self-serving moron top Democrats led by Barack Obama. This is the defeat that's required today to change the Democrat party.

Cannot allow Biden to become the Democrat blame donkey
Barack Obama has turned the Democrat party into nothing but shithole losers ... a team of deaf, dumb and blind morons who don't give a shit about the people and go on a non-stop looting spree. It is this scum that has to be removed from American leadership. We cannot give them a chance and a pretext for them to hide behind Biden's old age and mental challenges.

Let them remove Biden and bring on their next candidates ... and we will give them the crushing defeat that they deserve. This will help us to restructure the Democrat party. This will expose the shit show policies and shit show leadership of the Democrat party. It doesn't matter what ... Trump succeeded over them ... Biden or no Biden, Democrats lost. Now, they will think as a party where the issues were ... what went wrong ... Biden will no longer be their blame donkey ... the entire team of top Democrats will take a thrashing. This is what's good for America.

Tip for Biden
Dear greedy asshole Uncle Biden ... here is a tip for you. You know that you are going to lose, its better for you to step aside now. Why? Because your own party will make a punching bag out of you for the next 4 years. Everyone will blame you ... your old age ... your blunders and mental capacity ... they will point the finger at you for the next 4 years for the failure of the party.

Do you want this? If something that Barack Obama is very good at is "blaming others" for failures. That's what they did to Bush for 4 long years. Its happened before. They used you ... they made their money ... now, they will nicely slide the blame on you and you will be the target of the media for the next 4 years. Do you want this for you and your family?

On the other hand, if you step aside ... and when Harris-Newsom will fail ... here is where you will be spared and the true culprits will face the bashing. The entire top Democrat party will face the music ... no one will point the finger at you or your age or your blunders. The right decision for you is to step down and let Democrats manage their own shit. Let them be responsible for their own disastrous leadership.

There is a 90% chance of you losing the elections ... that's not something you can change right now. But what you can change is ... do you want to be the punching bag for your own party for the next 4 years? This is what you can change right now. You were not alone in this shit show Presidency ... the entire Obama gang was involved in this greed and loot. Don't let them use and trash you.

You might be thinking that your friend Barack Obama will not do this to you … but … heh … I don’t think that you should learn the hard way that your friend is a cheap rascal. He has openly used others … trashed them aside … and only cared for himself. When it comes to trillions of loot, Presidential powers and a media bashing along with that … don’t expect Mr. Barack to do anything for you other than give you a long lecture in the backend … while you face the music on the frontend. Step aside and let them face their own reckoning.