I think its time to talk about this. Most SM Groups think that "Obamas protect you ... they secure your work ... and thus, they think that Barack Obama is a great hero who protects revolutionary ideas and work". The truth is that ... its Michelle who maintains the protective shield ... but Barack Obama is an abusive rascal.

This is not new information ... the guy has been an abusive asshole since his Presidency itself. During the Obama Presidency, I used to support and guide Obama ... but at the same time, I used to trash Hillary and her wars. SM used to turn the tides against Hillary and she would get pissed off at me. Hillary would say "I will not be afraid of one guy with a computer". She had no idea about the entire SM Network in motion at the ground level in America.

Whatever ... I used to write against the Establishment as well ... and I used to detail out their abusive tactics of using high intensity radiations, tweaking food products, use of chemicals and so on. Here is where Hillary got her bright idea of silencing me.

Hillary’s abusive tactics
"I cannot shut this guy down. He is protected by Obamas ... but I can abuse him into silence." Obamas used intel guys to secure me ... on the other hand, Hillary used intel guys to copy and multiply the abuse of the Establishment. Intensity of radiations was multiplied, food products were tweaked more and more ... more chemicals were used at more and more places.

Barack Obama knew this and he ignored it. He allowed the abuse to happen ... just like he allowed Hillary's wars to happen. Michelle drew the line by keeping me legally safe ... otherwise, I was living in a "microwave" during the Obama Presidency in India.

Barack, the asshole politician
I was like ... "hey asshole, I guide you, help you get re-elected and show you the multi-trillion dollar disasters of a gigantic Establishment that no one would show ... I show you how to stop wars and save trillions of taxpayer money ... and you allow others to abuse me? What kind of an asshole are you?"

But then there was no one else in the scene other than Mr. Asshole Barack Obama. I didn't even know that it was Michelle who was protecting me ... I literally got a dream in those days telling me ... "hey, its the Lioness who is protecting you".

Republicans were a pile of crap
However, Barack was the only right minded guy we had ... we had all cocka doodle doo leaders from the Republican party at that time and I thought ... "I am dealing with politicians ... one guy can't be right in every way ... let's see if he can stop the wars and take things forward." I used to ignore the abuse that Barack used to allow over me and I used to guide this bum how to stop wars by understanding the Establishment malice involved.

Then I got a dream to travel abroad ... the first thing that happened when I started my travel was that ... I got out of the abusive system that Barack and Hillary had set up for me in India. I entered different countries with different intel systems with different leaders backing those intel agencies ... with Michelle creating protective shells wherever I was going.

Abuse begins again under Barack n Biden
After 7 years of travel, I come back to India ... Biden doesn't listen to shit and he goes on a looting spree ... and I start trashing Barack n Biden ... and guess what ... abuse begins all over again. And I am thinking ... "Ow, this is interesting ... as of now, I am not trashing the Establishment at all ... there is no Hillary in the scene ... and I am trashing Barack n Biden and I am getting physically abused? Now, this will tell me ... how much was the abuse from Barack Obama and how much was from the Establishment during the Obama Presidency."

Barack, the abusive rascal
So, I chose to remain silent on this side of Barack Obama ... and chose to observe what type of person this guy is. And guess what ... since the past couple of years ... this is what Barack Obama sits there and channelizes towards me ...

  • Intense electric fields with high voltage ... intense radiations
  • He places guys from the police department right below my apartment ... who maintain intense radiations in my room ... when I try to sleep, they are literally cooking my muscles and brains
  • Food products are tweaked
  • Medications are tweaked
  • Abusive chemicals are used in several products
  • Chemicals are put in my room and residence
  • The fruits I buy are infected
  • Even the soaps and washing power that I used are tweaked
  • Sometimes even infections are put in my room and residence
  • These are only a few of the activities enlisted

All of these activities have created severe calcium depletion and hair fall for me. I had to take medications to recuperate several times with infections, fever, cough, cold, body ache and several other ailments.

Here is the interesting part ... Barack's guys sit and watch me every second of the day and night ... watching and tracking what I am doing ... don't they know that all of this is going on? They can see what I am doing in the house 24/7 but they can't see the abuse that is going on? The only thing that you can see is “sexual bullshit” is it? You can’t see anything else that’s happening around me, you cheap rascal?

The truth is ... its not that they can't see or they don't know ... Barack Obama himself has approved and he is telling them to do all of this ... because I write against him. This is his way of getting back to me.

You see the irony? We chose this cheap rascal ...

  • to end Establishment malice
  • to identify all routes of Establishment malice via food, products and technology
  • to dismantle the Establishment
  • to stop all wars
  • to create a new era for the people

But this asshole ...

  • Not only he goes on a looting spree with his VP buddy
  • Creates non-stop wars all over again
  • He is in bed with the Establishment channelizing them trillions of taxpayer money
  • Not only he doesn't give a shit about using reason, facts and logic to do what is right for the Nation
  • but this asshole sits there using all of the Establishment gimmicks against me to abuse me and to silence me ... because I am showing what kind of an asshole he is.

Now, do you get the perspective of why Mr. Barack Obama doesn't have the balls n brains to stand up to do what is right for the Nation? He is one shithole of a person ... who goes on a looting and killing spree when he gets power ... and then he starts abusing the person who tries to guide him and correct him.

The rascal has been abusing me since the past two years now. He has literally placed his guys in my new apartment ... on the pretext of providing security for me ... but runs these schemes of abuse using the same guys that are supposedly "protecting me". This is the type of shithole that Mr. Barack Obama is.

Not only he is a liar, a fraud and a thief ... but he is also an abusive rascal. 

You think I don't know? You think I don't know who does what at what moment in time? Sometimes, I remain silent ... only to see the true colors of the person ... because I design strategies to lead the Nation and I need to see your true attributes to evaluate how you will lead the Nation. And Mr. Barack Obama ... you turned out to be one cheap shitty rascal.