So sorry to hear that Elon Musk lost his son. Heartfelt condolences Musky. May God bless you with patience, understanding and strength in this phase and surround you with those who love you and support you.

Yes, this "going woke" ... going transgender is the next Establishment theme after the promotion of lesbians and gays. Yes, its all evil ... these guys are actually Satanists. They sit there and sponsor and promote all activities that are anti-God and anti-religion.

Satanic Jews and LGBTQ
The main key leaders of the LGBTQ propaganda are Satanic Jews. LGBTQ has a huge base and center in Israel. They say that Israel is their Holy Land but nowhere in the Torah or Judaism is LGBTQ supported or promoted. These guys are actually Satanists who converted to Judaism. Judaism is just their cloak and they run all of their evil and Satanic activities in the name of Judaism.

This is a huge problem in the Jewish community and Jews themselves don't have the courage to stand up and speak against this. The Jewish community is a victim of this and all Western Christian countries are a victim of these propaganda activities by the Establishment.

In the past few decades, they put a lot of effort politically ... via media ... and invested like hell in promoting being gay. Once that has been accomplished their next topic is "going transgender". First it was rights and equality for gays ... now its rights and equality for transgenders. Its an entire "sponsored scheme" by an Establishment that is Satanic in its roots and all of these activities are done only to be anti-God and anti-religion. These are pro-Satan activities which they love.

LGBTQ is just one of their schemes. They have a long list of schemes that are designed to be anti-God and pro-Satan at different levels using different angles and ideologies. Here's a few of them ...

  • Kabbalah ... a form of Devil worship embedded in their books of Talmud which they apparently call as their one of their religious books. Talmud is nothing but books of devil worship.
  • Scientology ... this is another version of anti-God activities using the name of "science". They are not pulling the people all the way to Devil worship like in Kabbalah but they are neutralizing the religious beliefs of a person saying "science is everything ... there is no God".
  • Socialism and Communism ... this is another form of anti-God activities used in the political sphere. Wherever Communism was spread Churches and Mosques were burnt down and clergymen were massacred. The concepts of Socialism and Communism were created based on their books of Talmud where non-Jews are supposed to be nothing but sheep and cattle meant to be used by their Masters who are supposed to be Jews. That's why they have the equal treatment for all categories of work in Communism as everyone is sheep for them, doesn't matter what work they do.
  • Promotion of drugs ... this is again the activity of the Satanic Establishment. Legalization of marijuana in America where already 60,000 people are dying every year due to drug overdose is the work of the Establishment. Guess who is going to supply this marijuana? Israel ... its the world's largest marijuana producer.
  • The Porn industry ... a multi-billion dollar industry supported and promoted by the Jewish Satanic Establishment.
  • Guns and wars ... about 30,000 people die in America every year due to gun violence ... guess who are the key supporters of guns in America? The Jewish Satanic Establishment. Same goes with wars ... who is the main supporter and promoter for all major wars in the world? The Jewish Central Bankers ... all world wars created by them ... this War on Terror going on since the past 2 decades ... its because of them. Netanyahu is just the frontend pawn.

You will find Satanic Jews placed in key places in all of the above schemes that are run at a widespread level around the world. All of the above are anti-God and anti-Christianity and anti-religion activities ... and they make money from all of these activities.

Musky ... your son was the victim of just one of their schemes. You should know that "hundreds of millions" of Christians were massacred in Communist countries ... just because they were Christian. That's the type of evil we are dealing with.