When Biden ignored and didn’t care to contact me … then I got a dream showing an old feeble Lion walking around with his head down … as if he lost and he was upset. Generally, a Lion is shown with grandeur and key accomplishments or with a lot of people around it. But this old Lion had no one around it … it was all alone walking around like a loser. I immediately figured out that … this is Biden.

And then I am shown two little Lion cubs … one male and one female. I initially thought that these might have been Biden’s son and daughter … but they were actually Barack and Michelle Obama. The male cub was pissed off at me and was trying to claw at me … while the female was simply shocked and amazed at my work. She wasn’t trying to hurt me in any way.

Today, this dream has come true fully
Biden is truly an old loser … with zero accomplishments and no public support. And yes, he was supported by Barack … who is apparently pissed at how I am trashing him. Like usual, Michelle doesn’t take any action against me … but this time she is quite surprised at my work. The behaviors of all 3 Lions shown has come true today.

Barack will create failed Presidents when he doesn’t work with you
The key message from this dream is that … yes, when Biden n Barack will not work with you … they will fail and they will not accomplish anything much. The dreams always come true and that’s exactly what happened. Barack n Biden got too greedy with money and power … they didn’t care to solve any crisis … they went on a looting spree and turned out to be total losers.

This implies that … when Barack doesn’t work with us to solve any crisis … then he will fail the Presidential candidate. This already happened with Biden … and then the same will repeat with Harris. Just like the Barack n Biden combo was a total failure … the Barack n Harris combo will also be a total failure.

Barack doesn’t know anything
I warned Barack n Biden repeatedly that the policies are total disasters … but they didn’t care … and when they didn’t care to contact and change … then I got a dream saying “okay, these guys will be total failures”. The question is … when we know that Barack doesn’t know how to solve any crisis … he has zero know-how … and the Democrat candidates that are chosen have even lesser knowledge than Barack … then how can they succeed? If Barack could do it … if he could solve America’s crises … then he would have already been an American legend … but he has been a loser since the past 20 years and continues to remain a loser.

Barack is a moron who keeps on creating more morons
The loser keeps on creating more losers … the moron keeps on creating more morons. How is it wise for America to remain stuck in the cyclic stupidity of one moron? How is it wise for 330 million Americans to suffer because of the cyclic stupidity of one moron, only because his wife holds the pillar of security for our work?

The wife is phenomenal and the husband is a freakin moron
The smart moron is only using the wife’s security shell to pull votes … to gain power … and then goes on a looting spree again and again … without caring to solve any crisis at all. Barack is using Michelle’s security to gain support and power … only to go on a looting and killing spree.

America has to snap out of Mr. Barack Obama’s misuse of Michelle’s security … America has to snap out of Barack’s bullshit moral science speeches. Mr. Barack Obama is a liar, a complete fraud, a misleading asshole and a total thief. This is exactly what he has been doing in Presidential leadership … not a single crisis fixed but blows up trillions again and again and again.

America has to realize that Michelle is good and Barack is an asshole
Just because we trust Michelle … it doesn’t mean we should also trust Barack Obama. In action, there is a world of a difference between the two. Michelle is a fighter and Barack is a puppet. Michelle will do everything to secure our work and Barack will do everything to follow the party and blow up trillions of taxpayer money. Michelle turns every stone to do what is right and Barack unleashes disasters and sits there watching disasters unfold, watching millions of people die via bombs, bullets, famine and starvation.

We cannot allow this asshole to use his wife’s work to keep on installing more and more puppets in the White House to continue the trillions of loot and massacre of innocent people around the world. We have to stand up and say … “to hell with Barack Obama … to hell with his bullshit speeches … to hell with the candidates that he puts in the White House … screw Barack Obama”. We have to understand factually who is right for America and who is a disaster for America. Barack Obama is not the solution for America … he is all talk and loot n massacre for the people.

God doesn’t approve of Barack’s current leadership
If the dreams are from God … then God Himself is saying that … this guy will only create failures on his own. I waited and watched for about 3 years to see how this dream would unfold … and today, it has come true to the fullest extent.

The only good thing in this dream is that … Michelle and Barack are shown as Lion cubs. They are not shown as Hyenas or any other mean wild creature … which means that they are not all bad at a personal level. It only means that Barack is nice but he doesn’t know how to solve crisis … how to lead the Nation in crises … how to pull the Nation out of the crises. He doesn’t have the know-how of handling the crises … he is just a little cub who doesn’t know.

If we keep on trusting world leadership to a little cub who doesn’t know … then we will get one failure after another. That’s exactly what’s happening.

Mr. Barack Obama is a 3 fold parasite
Why is the Biden Presidency so screwed? Why is the Democrat party such a mess? Why is America in the highest debt, cost of living and inflation? Why are there genocidal wars going on in the world? The answer for all of these questions is … because Mr. Barack Obama is a 3 fold parasite.

Parasite Level One. The guy doesn’t help us in our work … he doesn’t coordinate … he doesn’t even care to solve any of America’s several crises. All he cares about is … “we should blow his horn … give him Presidential powers … so that he can go on a looting spree”. This is exactly what he did during his Presidency … and then the same with Biden Presidency … and he will do the same with a Harris Presidency. The guy doesn’t care about anyone … he doesn’t care about America or the American people … all he cares about is … get the power to go for the loot. He is nothing but a parasite on our work.

Parasite Level Two. It is not Barack Obama … but it is Michelle Obama who maintains the security for our work. He tries to show great interconnection and great relationship with our work … loves to show himself as a part of a great fight for changing the Nation. The majority of the SM Groups think that since “Obamas provide security for this work … they also believe in the work … and Barack Obama will be a great revolutionary hero for America”.

But the truth is that … Mr. Barack Obama doesn’t give a shit about America or the American people or about bringing about any change. For him it is simply “coincidental” that his wife maintains security for work and he uses this limelight only to get the power to go for the loot. He is a parasite on his wife’s work.

The truth is … when we expose the bum that Barack is … and the disaster that his leadership is … he threatens us with security measures. Firstly, the security itself a total shit show … all he protects is the meagre survival mode. Just enough funds to pay bills and just enough measures to remain alive … so that, I can blow this rascal’s horn and he can go on a looting spree.

Secondly, even with this shit show meagre survival security from the Great United States Presidential Family … the asshole threatens to pull and restrict even more finances and security measures. He unleashes abusive measures via various routes.

The rascal is an abusive asshole … who is nothing but a parasite on our work and also on his wife’s work. As per him, all of this is a “great formula” to get the Presidency and keep on looting by the billions.

Parasite Level Three. If you look at his Presidential leadership … then he is nothing but a parasite on America and the American people. All of his schemes and policies that he comes up with … the eventual result of his Presidency is nothing but trillions of additional debt for the American people. and death for millions of people around the world. The guy doesn’t touch a single exploitation system of the Establishment … and he immediately goes deaf, dumb and blind the moment he gets the Presidency.

He stands there making a truck load of promises … rides the moral high tide … long lectures of this change and that change … but the moment he gets the Presidency … he says “screw you … thank you for the Presidency … now, you can’t do shit to me for another 4 years … now, I am going on a looting spree”. The asshole turns totally deaf, dumb and blind the moment he gets the Presidency. He is a lying, deceiving, misleading parasite on the American people and nothing more.

Yes, we make great plans for this dumb ass … but we should also see the truth in actual action at the ground level. This guy is nothing but a lying deceiving greedy self-serving parasite … on our work … on his wife’s work … and on America & the American people. Mr. Barack Obama is a 3 fold parasite … all he cares about is him and his buddies … and nothing more.

Kamala Harris already giving lengthy moral science speeches
Kamala Harris is another candidate being trained by this lying deceiving greedy self-serving parasite. She is directly using Barack Obama’s tactic of showing herself as … so moral, so caring, so people centric … but in reality she is going to be another lying deceiving greedy self-serving parasite on America. She won’t do shit other than loot America and destroy other countries.

This is exactly what Mr. Barack Obama will create out of the Harris Presidency. Barack Obama is a shitty lying deceiving self-serving greedy moron … who sits there creating more shitty lying deceiving self-serving greedy morons. Barack Obama is a cheap loser … if we keep on trusting him and his candidates … we will keep on getting trillions of more debt and millions of more people killed.

If the asshole knew what to do … then he would have solved all of America’s crises a long time ago. He doesn’t know shit … all he wants us to do is keep on blowing his horn … create false hope among the people so that his candidate can get the Presidency and then the asshole will go on a looting spree all over again.

The dreams are not imaginary … they have direct connection to the facts at the ground level … and this is the truth about Mr. Barack Obama’s leadership. He is cheap parasite … all he cares about is leeching and looting others for his own gain.