Yes, yes … I am seeing Barack’s indirect signals that … “he wants to be friends … he will work with me … he will support my work … and bla bla bla.” This is the actually the main problem with this guy … he remains either stuck in indirect signals or sexual bullshit … he doesn’t do anything more than that.

This is how Barack has remained a “cyclic parasite” on our work since the past 15 years.

  • Indirect Signals. First there will be signals … we love you … we protect you … we will work with you … we will change America … we support you your work and bla bla bla. All of these will be nothing but indirect signals … in reality, he doesn’t really give a shit about working with us and he doesn’t care about changing America.
  • Gain our support. The purpose of these signals to give me an impression that Mr. Asshole Barack will work with me … thus gain my endorsement and support … and I should rally SM Groups to support him or his candidates … and show Mr. Asshole Barack as the hero who will change and revolutionize America.
  • Get the White House. Once I mobilize SM Groups … SM starts putting things in favor of Barack and his candidates. They design the flow of the country and put everything in Barack’s favor … and eventually give him victory in elections.
  • Deaf, dumb and blind. The moment Mr. Asshole Barack gets the White House … he goes deaf, dumb and blind … he doesn’t give a shit thereon about listening to anything let alone changing anything in America. Until and unless of course … it is election year all over again.

This is exactly what the asshole did during his Presidency … during Trump’s Presidency … and also now, during Biden’s Presidency. We are technically dealing with a textbook politician … who is nothing but liar and a fraud … he is a lying misleading deceiving self-serving greedy asshole.

We trust Mr. Barack Obama with world leadership but he is nothing but a parasite on our work … on his wife’s work … and on America. Why the hell would anyone trust his bullshit “indirect signals” … you tell me. This is exactly what his record is … think who you trust with what information …

  • He has been a party puppet throughout his life … not at a single place you will find him standing up to his own party despite the disastrous policies and complete Establishment puppetry in the party.
  • He has done nothing but loot and kill people all through his Presidency and even during the Biden Presidency.
  • 70% of all of America’s debt was created right in front of Barack’s eyes … he himself created and supported policies that created this debt by the trillions every year.
  • Millions of people have died and tens of millions of innocent people have lost their homes because of this asshole’s incompetent leadership.
  • All he cares about is himself and his buddies who make billions off every mass spending policies that they hatch up.
  • We have helped the asshole for more than 15 years and the only thing he has delivered to us is a life below poverty level.
  • The cheap rascal was nothing but a parasite on me despite the thousands of pages that I have written to guide this asshole.
  • If we show his incompetence and write about his disastrous puppet leadership, he starts abusing us from various routes. He is one God damn abusive rascal. He brags about securing my work but he himself channelizes abuse via various routes towards us.
  • His wife provides security for our work and he uses his wife’s work as a pretext to gain power only to go for the loot. He is not only a parasite on me … he is a parasite on his wife’s work and a total parasite on the American people.
  • Not only he is a screwed up leader … but he has screwed the entire Democrat leadership. He is a freaking greedy moron who creates a moron out of everyone that he works with.

This is exactly who Mr. Barack Obama is. I am not saying this with one or two bad experiences … I am talking with 15 years of experience with this asshole. The worst thing what he is doing right now is … he is blocking all of the good work that can be done for the American people … he is holding America hostage to run his own shit show self-serving greedy policies … he has screwed half of American leadership by the role we have created for him in the Democrat party.

Barack Obama is an obstacle to American progress and prosperity
He is an obstacle to American progress, success and prosperity. This is the main reason we are discussing this dumb ass moron … otherwise, I don’t take out time to trash any moron who doesn’t hold a key position. This moron is holding America hostage since the past 15 years. We always had hopes that … he will change, he will change, he will change … Obama will do what is right … he will stand up for the people. But stupid rascal … doesn’t give a shit about the people … doesn’t matter how much debt piles up or how many countries get destroyed.

Barack holds America hostage because of his cyclic stupidity
We should ask ourselves … why should America remained trapped in the cyclic stupidity of one greedy moron? The idiot thinks that it is a great formula and a great recipe of getting the Presidency again and again by fooling us with indirect signals of love, support and coordination … and then immediately turn deaf, dumb and blind when he is given power. How many times are we going to fall for this crap? How many more Presidencies … how many more terms … how many more decades are we going to remain trapped in this cycle of debt, death and destruction because of one freakin idiot?

Enough of trusting this asshole
Either this asshole changes or we kick him out of politics … that’s what we have to work on. Enough of this Barack Obama bullshit. Michelle wanted a role for him … she herself will decide what role he will play in the work’s security aspect. But no way in hell, we can allow this asshole to mislead and deceive America again and again. Looking at the Biden Presidency, we should clearly understand the shit show that Barack Obama is.

So … I don’t want any SM Group to fall for these bullshit “indirect signals” that Mr. Asshole Barack plays. The only thing that this asshole has done is play either with indirect signals or sexual bullshit. The dumb ass moron is taking us for a fool.

Barack’s indirect signals are pure bullshit
Yes, I know … some groups want me to stop trashing Obama … and that’s because of the “indirect signals” that he has been sending. But that’s not what you trust … after 15 years of the shit that he has made America to go through … after 15 years of shit that he has made us go through … you don’t trust the indirect signals of this asshole ever again.

How to check Barack’s honesty
If you really like Barack Obama … then this is what you should observe …

  • Has he made a direct contact yet with us?
  • Does he provide full support for our work?
  • Does he actually stop supporting disastrous policies and start supporting the policies that are good for America?

At this moment in time … you can trust Barack Obama. It is only after he works with us and supports our policies … its then that you trust him. Right now … has he done any of the above three? No … Barack Obama has been a lying misleading deceiving fraud since 15 years. Trusting his stupid indirect signals is simply too naïve. By trusting his stupid signals, you might end up giving another 4 years for debt, death and disasters around the world. Trust me, the asshole won’t give a shit the moment Democrats get a win in 2024.

Objectives of trashing Barack
Yes … yes, our key objectives of trashing Mr. Barack Obama are …

  • To get him on the right track.
  • And if he doesn’t get on the right track … America should know what we are dealing with … and we should make sure that we fail all of his candidates for President.
  • At a personal level, we have to keep his family together … this trashing helps to a great extent in making it happen.
  • Either Barack will be a part of great work for America or he will be removed from the way.

The Lioness and Lion were together
If we look at this from the dream’s perspective … then Michelle and Barack were shown as little Lioness and Lion cubs. The Lioness and Lion were together … so, let’s try to keep them together. Who knows … the asshole might change … and the days of disasters will be left behind and they would be a part of something great together.

So, maintain the Obama family together … I haven’t got any info that the family should be broken down. But I have definitely been told that if Barack is left on his own and he doesn’t work with me … then he will create failed Presidents. Which means that Kamala Harris will not be any different from Joe Biden. Stop trusting Barack’s signals or the stupid show that Harris is putting up … it’s all garbage. Barack is the King of all Screw-ups.

Trash and eliminate the entire Obama team
The right thing to do for America’s success and prosperity is to … trash and eliminate the entire Obama team from leadership. There should be two outcomes of this process …

  • Either Barack fixes his screwed-up leadership … gets on the right track and supports what’s right for America
  • Or we eliminate all of this junk from the way and create new leaders in the Democrat party.

This should be America’s number one priority. We should not fall for their misleading, deceiving, self-serving greedy gimmicks. We should not stop trashing them and eliminating them from politics until and unless they get on the right track. Even if they are completely eliminated … they should not be given entry in top politics until and unless they get on the right track. This is exactly how we should operate.

The “Beautiful Mind” reversed on Biden
Well, here’s some interesting information. Mr. Asshole Barack was copying an Establishment gimmick of saying that “all of this is my imagination … there is no Barack or Michelle … there is no promise of success or progress … no one even read what you wrote”. He wanted to pull off the gimmick from the Beautiful Mind movie.

I told Barack n Biden several times … what you plan on me gets reversed on you. Don’t mess with my work … don’t obstruct my work … protect n support by work … work with me. But Mr. Asshole Barack didn’t care … and he remained stuck with the scheme of the Beautiful Mind … with a plan of showing me cuckoo. Lol.

And look what happened to Biden? Lol. He ended up as the guy who was cuckoo … the guy couldn’t think properly … couldn’t remember names and places … everyone questioned his mental capacity … the entire Nation doubted his mental acuity. And eventually, he was removed from the game because he was “mentally incompetent”. So much for playing the Beautiful Mind, Mr. Asshole Barack Obama.

Biden’s elimination gimmick on Trump reversed on Biden
I told Biden several times … you are trying to eliminate your opponent using legals but you are running complete disasters out there. You might end up getting removed from the game instead of Trump. We endorsed Trump … called for security and protection for Trump. And then Biden’s plan was reversed on him … he wanted to remove Trump but instead his own party removed him from power. Lol.

Biden was warned several times about the termination of his Presidency
Whatever bullshit you want to do with us … it will get reversed on you. You have no freaking idea of the forces involved in the game. We told Biden again and again and again that “his Presidency is planned to be terminated” … he didn’t listen … and now he regrets. Had he worked with us … he would have been phenomenal … but he has nothing but regret now.

Rooting out Barack and his team should be America’s top priority
We had to actually root out the Establishment … but Mr. Barack Obama is the biggest obstacle in the work … he is a puppet and blindly runs the Establishment’s disasters … he stalls and remains inactive and incompetent. Instead of rooting out the Establishment … now we are busy rooting out Mr. Barack Obama and his bullshit team … because that’s what’s needed for the country.

These 100 days are extremely important in designing the direction of the country. America needs Trump in the lead … not Barack and his bullshit team.