Abuse via infections
The cleaning lady that used to work here until recently ... Mr. Barack, the rascal, used her to put infections in my bottle of water ... infections all over my room ... and infections in tea powder and salt. The moment she does this, she quits ... saying her daughter is having a baby.

Abuse via radiations
I have been in bed since 3 days trying to recuperate from severe fever, cough, cold and body aches. Now, Mr. Barack, the rascal, is using radiations from the flat below ... making it unable for me to even sleep. I am writing this at 3:43am. This is the type of shit hole that Barack Obama is.

Torture during the Obama Presidency
I am not facing this for the first time. This is how I spent 4-5 years under the freaking Obama Presidency. I used to write against Hillary then and Mr. Barack, the rascal, stood there watching me get abused using chemicals and radiations of various types ... again and again for several years by elements directed by Hillary.

This is what we all should understand about Mr. Barack, the rascal ... he is a shithole character ... a total slave to the party ... who cannot even dare to "think" against the party let alone rise to make any changes.

Show Barack’s true colors and he gets abusive
Either we should praise him, show him as a great hero who is going to save America and rescue America from the clutches of an evil Establishment ... and give him the White House or he is going to get pissed off and turn malicious, violent and abusive against you.

The foundation of the Democrat Party is an asshole
This is what this rascal wants ... to blow his horn ... to show that he is America's savior ... he will take the White House and go on a looting and killing spree as usual. This cheap shitty rascal doesn't know anything beyond that ... he doesn't make an effort beyond that ... nor does he care to do anything beyond that. If the foundation of the Democrat party is going to be an asshole like this, then how will be the candidates that he will guide and place in the White House? One by one ... all of them are turning out to be deaf, dumb and blind party puppets who fool the people with dozens of promises and then go on a looting and killing spree ... just like Mr. Barack, the rascal.

The shitty rascal has become the largest walking talking disaster in human history because of his repetitive party puppetry and he doesn't realize anything. All that the moron cares about is ... not being treated nice ... it seems we should still use lovely and flowery language to define his great screwed-up disastrous leadership. Freakin idiot.

Don’t evaluate Michelle and Barack together
Do not look at the work of Michelle Obama and evaluate Barack at the same standards. Don't think that if Michelle holds the security for our work, Mr. Barack is going to take things forward and do something remarkable for America. Mr. Barack Obama is a cheap shitty self-serving greedy rascal who only goes for a looting and killing spree every time he is given power.

Check the facts … don’t support monsters
Don't take my word for it ... check the facts ... the asshole went on a killing and looting spree during his own Presidency and bombed half a dozen countries ... despite promising to end all wars. He killed four times more people and created two times more debt that George Bush. Now, his buddy Biden has been given the Presidency ... under the hope and impression that Mr. Barack will finally do what is right for America ... and he goes back to his old ways of looting by the trillions and killing by the millions.

Mr. Barack Obama and his candidates are lying rascals ... do not trust any one of them. Why is Kamala Harris standing there and making dozens of promises? Why can't she implement all of those promises right away? Isn't she the acting President? Didn't she have 3.5 years as VP with Biden ... why didn't she work on all of these lovely dreamy promises during the Biden Presidency? Its elections time ... this is how textbook politicians are ... the Barack Obama leadership is nothing but textbook politics put into motion.

Indirect puppets of the devil
They don't realize that by being puppets of the party, they are being puppets of the devil. The devil needs this nice and lovely people ... who talk well and make nice promises ... to take votes and gain power ... once they have power, its a looting and killing spree. These guys are the puppets of the devil ... nothing but a devil in disguise.

For the good of America ... for the good of the world ... we have to shun this rascal from key leadership roles. Until and unless this freaking moron can do what is right for the people ... he should have no place in Presidential leadership.