Reportedly, Mr. Barack Obama promised Trump help with legal issues but in exchange he says that “Trump should not contact me and should not work with me”.

As per Barack’s calculations … it might seem as a good deal to provide some security for the opposition candidate while keeping the King Maker with himself so that Democrats win the Presidency anyhow.

Barack doesn’t give a shit about America
Do you know why SM gives Presidency to the candidates who are more likely to work with me? Because when the Presidential candidates work with me then it means dismantling of malicious systems, creations of new systems and a new era for America. But instead of working with me to fix any crisis … you Mr. Rascal Barack Obama … you have used it as a gimmick only to get the Presidency to go on a looting and killing spree. You are a cheap shitty asshole.

Trump also made this blunder
By the way, Trump also made this fatal flaw during the last months of his Presidency. Actually, Trump worked with us quite a lot in the online mode … he stopped all wars and disasters … but didn’t take things forward because of which SM was frustrated with him. In the last months, I get the news that … “SM is dropping support for Trump and he is going to lose the election”. I asked why and the info that I get is … “Trump paid Obama and Biden not to work with me … so that the election doesn’t tilt in their favor”.

I was like … “Holy Shit … what have you done? You don’t work with nor will you allow Democrats to work with me? Now, I can’t control the election in your favor anymore. SM will decide the outcome hereon.” And they failed Trump.

I tried the argument that “Obama and Biden are partly responsible … they were cheap enough to take such a payment. It means that they have no intention of working with me”. But it didn’t work … they had given Trump 4 years and with such a move … they didn’t see progress for America under him anymore.

Barack n Biden turned out to be the biggest shitholes in US history
The good news for Trump came out to be that … Barack n Biden turned out to be the biggest shithole leaders in US history … who are in the White House only to loot and kill. Barack Obama turned out to be one super shithole leader.

Barack Obama is such a shithole character that … not only he doesn’t give a shit about America or the American people … he goes on a non-stop looting and killing spree … and now, uses “legal security” for Trump to block Trump from working with me. He stands there creating massive debts, death and destruction … he doesn’t have the balls n brains to work with me … and now, he won’t allow even Trump to work with me to fix America’s crises.”

You are a cheap asshole, Barack Obama
My friend … you turned out to be a record breaking shithole character … a shithole from almost every angle one can look at you. You don’t give a shit about America or the American people, isn’t it? All of this is just a game for you to win elections and go on a looting and killing spree, isn’t it? You God damn cheap asshole.