Kamala Harris fumbling over definition of democracy … calling it strong and also calling it fragile … she is not fumbling. She is not actually talking about democracy … she is talking about me and my work. Even Biden did the same … he said “he is fighting to save the soul of democracy … that democracy is in danger under Trump”.

Barack Obama pimping out his wife’s work
Both of them are not talking about democracy … they are talking about me. This is nothing but Mr. Barack Obama pimping out his wife’s work to get more votes for his party. Michelle maintains the security for our work and this is how Mr. Barack tells his candidates to go about taking credit for it and pull SM support for his candidates.

Our great two term United States President talks about securing democracy in such a way as if … he has bought a billion dollar mansion for me … he is channelizing hundreds of millions of revenue for me every month for my work … and he has placed a 100 secret service agents around the mansion to protect me. Stupid cheap shitty asshole … maintains my finances two times less than that of the poverty level in the US since more than a decade now … and brags about it as a great accomplishment because of which he should be given the White House, access to trillions in wealth and he should have the right to go on a looting and killing spree.

Barack Obama is a cheap shitty liar
… a misleading deceiving self-serving greedy rascal … who should not be trusted at all. Do not trust this rascal for anything that he says. He is a shithole who is a slave to his party … he will stand there deaf, dumb and blind running all of the shit that his party tells him to. Do not trust this cheap shitty slave for anything … he doesn’t know how to lead … he has no capability to lead at all.

He is nothing but a pimp on his wife’s work and a parasite on our work … he looks for the cheapest and sleaziest ways to getting votes … to go on a looting and killing spree. He stands there being a parasite on the Nation creating trillion after trillion after trillions of debt for America and death by the millions of the world. He is a cheap shitty rascal who is not fit to lead at all.

Do not fall for the nice
Do not go for his lectures or bullshit morals or being nice … all of these chosen rascals … it might be Barack or Pelosi or Biden or Kamala … all of them are nice people on the frontend. But they are also puppets of the party who stand there deaf, dumb and blind while trillions of debt is created and millions of innocent people are massacred.

Do not vote Democrat in this election. We have to flush out Barack and his misleading deceiving self-serving greedy rascals … they might come in the name of Biden or Kamala Harris or whatever. Not only we have to fail them from getting the White House but we have to get rid of Barack’s influence in the Democrat party itself.

Do not trust this rascal called Barack Obama … do not vote Democrat. A vote for Democrats is nothing but a vote for loot and genocide.