So, there is some good news and bad news for Mr. Asshole Barack Obama. Let’s start with the bad news so that you feel good when the good news comes along.

The bad news is that … you are a cheap shitty self-serving greedy rascal. An asshole like you should not even lead the Democrat party, let alone create and manage Presidents. You are a misleading deceiving lying fraud and a thief … who stood there watching $25 trillion of additional pile on American taxpayers … who stood there watching millions of innocent people die in needless wars … who teamed up with other Democrats to get a share from these trillions of spending again and again and again via any pretext possible. You are not a leader but a parasite on America.

You are a rascal who deceives and misleads the people using long moral science lectures … and in action and leadership … you are a freakin moron who has no balls n brains to stop any genocidal war or disastrous policies. You have been an incompetent freakin moron not since 1 month or 2 months or 1 year or 2 years or 5 years or 10 years … you have been an incompetent freakin moron since 4 Presidencies … that’s a total of 16 years. You are a record breaking shit show in all of US history.

A new born child can learn how to talk, walk, go to school and graduate from high school … during the same time an asshole like you cannot learn that killing millions of innocent people is not a good thing … you cannot learn that blowing up trillions of hard earned American taxpayer money again and again is not a good thing and creating a debt of tens of trillions of dollars is not a good thing. You are a total shit show, you asshole.

All you have done since the past 2 decades is …

  • Go on a non-stop looting and killing spree … creating trillions of debt and killing millions of innocent people
  • And if anything other than that you have done is … obsess over sexual bullshit

You are a freaking pimp on your wife’s work … who uses her work and meaningless moral lectures to get power … and then you go on a looting and killing spree once you are given power. When you are reminded that you are chosen for something bigger … the only thing you have done is obsess over sexual bullshit or play with some stupid indirect signals.

That’s who you are in a nutshell since the past 2 freakin decades. It was our mistake …

  • To trust you that you will do what is right for America
  • To give you the responsibility to take America forward
  • To assume that you could actually be a part of something wonderful for America and the world

Trusting a misleading deceiving asshole like you who cannot be anything other than a freakin party puppet has cost America $25 Trillion in additional debt, millions of innocent dead people and tens of millions of innocent people displaced from their homes. You stand over the pile of millions of dead bodies and lecture the American people about values and principles … someone should put you in a chair and slap the crap out of you … and make you realize the reality that you have put tens of millions people through.

And now, you are trying to repeat the same ridiculous textbook politics … of long lectures assuming that you will get the Presidency again using Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Kamala is talking about not changing her “values and principles”. What values and what principles is she talking about … when she stands there watching millions of people die in two simultaneous genocides happening right in front of her eyes? This is the type of misleading and deceiving rascals that you are … you stand on a pile of millions of innocent dead bodies and lecture people on how moral and principled you are.

Well the news for you … Mr. Asshole Barack Obama is that … several SM Groups have asked me to tell you …

  • Obsess … obsess as much as you want with sexual bullshit … continue, continue … no problem
  • And continue with your long lectures on morals and shit show principles … no problem

And they will see … how you and your guys will remain in power. Continue with your shit show … no problem. You can sit at home with your wife and kids … and be as much of an incompetent asshole you want to be. But the last thing that the American people should do is … trust assholes like you … who are liars and frauds … who loot by the trillions and kill by the millions. America doesn’t need incompetent freakin morons who only loot and create disasters for the world.

Wait … wait … there is good news
Well, don’t feel so bad … there is good news also for you, Mr. Asshole Barack Obama. A divorce from the Democrat party is much better than a divorce from the lovely Michelle Obama. Your daughter doesn’t want your name anymore … what are you going to do if your wife also divorces you? How will you show your face to the people? How will you lecture people on morals and values … when your own daughter doesn’t want your name and when a wonderful person like Michelle divorces you?

The good news for you is that … the strategy that we are working on … it will help you remain married to Michelle. Why? Why are we helping your marriage when you are the biggest walking talking disaster in US history?

Well, firstly because … of the dream. Both you and Michelle were shown as two little male and female Lion cubs together … it indicated that you both were still together or should be together. Secondly, because … I never attack family … I never make politics personal. The child should not bare the sins of the father … your family should not bear the burden of your sins. It might be your wife or your children … we will never wish anything bad for them … irrespective of the monstrous disaster that you are.

That’s why we always protected Trump’s children … and we also protect yours. Thirdly, because … hopefully … sooner or later … things will change. You might not lead … but someone else will … great things will happen for America … and your wife Michelle is already a part of the work. Your family is Michelle’s family … it makes Michelle’s family even more important for us. When things go well … we would want Michelle to be happy along with her husband and kids together. We want her to enjoy the happy moments of her life with her family and not be alone.

I am not sure how long this will phase of verbal bashing for you will last, Mr. Asshole Barack Obama. But it is going to continue until and unless we fully expose the shit show that the top Democrats are and we restructure the entire top Democrat leadership. This verbal bashing has a lot of very good and positive uses.

  • Family. Firstly, it helps me keeps your family together. When we start bashing you verbally then Michelle comes on the defensive side … instead of turning against you and divorcing your ass.
  • Expose Democrat Misleading. Secondly, it helps us expose the shit show lying misleading and deceiving leader that you are behind the long moral science lectures that you give. This helps us control who is in the White House and holds key positions in the party.
  • Restructure the Democrat Party. Exposing the foundation of the Democrat party leadership … of misleading greedy self-serving rascals … helps us restructure the Democrat party.

So, its not that you guys don’t deserve this verbal bashing … you deserve every bit and byte of it. If you think you don’t deserve it … then kindly, reimburse America with the $25 Trillion in debt that you have created and restore the lives of tens of millions of people that you have displaced from their homes … then I will stop bashing you.

But when you guys can’t do this … and continue on your misleading and deceiving gimmicks … to continue to loot America by the trillions and continue to kill by the millions … then we have to restructure a few things. Assholes.