Yes, yes ... I see the indirect signals that "Obamas are my friends ... they will work with me ... they will support me" and bla bla bla. This is actually the closest that Barack Obama has come to doing anything for America.

These are his key activities in Presidential leadership since the past 16 years ...

  • Remain a puppet of the party and do whatever the party tells him to do ... go on a non-stop looting and killing spree.
  • When the mood is good ... give some indirect signals to me that ... he will work with me and support me and bla bla bla.
  • When the mood is bad when I write against him ... he tries to abuse me and my family in a variety of ways. It might be financially ... using electric fields and radiations against me ... putting infections around me ... tweaking the food and other products that I use ... to the extent of even abusing my family members.

The closest that Barack Obama has ever come to do anything for America is ... just some stupid signals ... and nothing more than that. I know ... I see the signals very clearly ... its not the first time I am seeing them ... I am seeing them since more than a decade now.

The use of the signals is just to get me to blow his horn ... he is just trying to mislead and deceive me ... putting false hope and expectation in me ... so that I blow his horn and get him the Presidency again. This is the type of asshole that Barack Obama is ... he is nothing more than a liar, a fraud and a thief who misleads and deceives the people ... goes on a non-stop looting and killing spree ... and if anything more than that ... he will start trying to abuse you to stop exposing the asshole that he is.

Its time to rip off the skin of this asshole ... show the world who Mr. Barack Obama actually is ... dissect him into individual parts and show each of his operations to the world of how he fools ... how he misleads ... how he loots ... how he destroys nation after nation ... and of how he is the most pathetic useless moron who has created the highest debt all in all of history while killing and displacing tens of millions of people through the past 4 Presidencies.

It is simply outrageous and irresponsible to remain silent on the freaking disaster that Barack Obama is. It is simply mindboggling of how this rascal stands on piles of millions of innocent dead bodies ... on the mountains of dozens of cities of cities that he has destroyed ... lecturing us on morals, values and principles. Barack Obama is the biggest walking talking disaster ever to walk on planet Earth.

Yes, Mr. Barack Obama ... I see your signals ... very lovely signals ... and I also see what you guys have actually delivered to the world. I will choose to work with facts.