Obamas want to be friends with you and you keep trashing Barack. What's going on?
Firstly, who says that I am not friends with Obamas? Not only Michelle is a good friend but she is like family to me. Secondly, its not about "trashing" Barack Obama ... the key objective here is to do what is right for the people. Thirdly, we are not trashing Mother Teresa with false information ... we are exposing Mr. Barack Obama with the actual facts of his leadership. Everything that we are talking about are true facts. Lastly, it is our democratic right to support and choose whichever leader is right for the Nation. It is our democratic right to voice our concerns and also support the candidates that we believe are right for America.

Make a justified evaluation without bias
Make your minds neutral and think only with facts and logic. This will help you think what is right for the people without any bias. Technically, we have been pulled into Presidential leadership mainly because ...

  • We have to restructure several systems.
  • We have to dismantle exploitation systems.
  • We have to create regulations and create new systems.
  • We have to dismantle Establishment monopoly.
  • We have to take America into a new era.
  • We have to make everything people centric.

It is because of these operations ... it is because of these objectives ... it is because of these revolutionary works that we have entered Presidential leadership. It is because of this that SM Groups give the Presidency to those who will work with us, protect us and support us. This is the fundamental connection between the Presidency and our work.

Barack treats our work as a “Presidential lottery” and nothing more
If you look at what Mr. Barack Obama has been doing since the past 4 Presidential terms is that ... he treats us nothing more than a "Presidential lottery". He will pass some stupid indirect signals that they will work with us, support us and change America ... we are supposed to buy those signals ... blow his horn and give him the Presidency. And once he gets the Presidency, he will go on a looting and killing spree. This is Mr. Barack Obama's repetitive program.

Barack doesn’t give a shit about solving any crisis
He has absolutely no intention of solving any crisis or standing up to the Establishment or standing up to the party or changing anything or creating anything new. Our core objectives are not there in his program at all. He only wants to use us as a lottery to get the White House and then he enters full-scale party puppetry and goes on a looting and killing spree.

Check the true facts
I am not saying this ... facts say this. You yourself check what happened under Obama ... what happened under Biden ... and Kamala Harris thinks that Biden is a great leader and his policies are great legacy ... she will continue all of Biden's nonsensical trillions of spending and nonsensical wars.

When you look with a neutral mind ... as to what our great two term President Barack Obama and his gang of assholes have been doing ... look at the actual facts at the ground level ... you will see nothing but trillions and trillions and trillions of mass spending at every turn and the killing of millions of people via non-stop wars.

Its People First … not Barack Obama first
At the end of the day ... forget about who is friend and enemy ... at the end of the day ... it is people first for us. Everything is about the people ... all of these systems that we have to dismantle ... systems that we have to create ... the Establishment exploitation that we have to stop ... all of it is for the people. Its America First and People First for us.

Vote Democrat, vote to kill a million more innocent people
Just because this bum ... Mr. Barack Obama ... stands there lecturing us on long moral science speeches ... should we allow him to kill a million more innocent people? Should we allow him to create a debt of $7-8 trillion more in one term? All that this guy has been delivering is trillions of debt and millions of dead bodies of innocent people.

Barack has been a useless moron since 16 years
We are not seeing this since one month or one year or one decade ... this is going on since the past 16 years. This moron doesn't know anything ... the bum doesn't want to learn ... the bum doesn't want to connect ... the bum doesn't want to change anything. He finds comfort only in getting the Presidency and being a slave of the party. That's all that he cares about ... takes the Presidency and then chills and lets everybody do their trash.

Leadership requires a fight for what is right
With all due respect, this is not called leadership. The very basics of leadership is stopping what is wrong for the people ... doing what is good for the people. The rascal stands there on the pile of millions of dead bodies lecturing us on morals ... while killing millions more as he speaks. There are two genocidal wars going on right in front of his eyes and the only thing that he and his party wants is to supply weapons for these wars endlessly.

Is this what's right for the people? Is this what you should deliver to the people? Trillions of debt and millions of dead bodies? Is this called leadership? And the asshole feels bad when his shit show leadership is exposed? This is the height of hypocrisy.

Trump is 100 times better than any Democrat candidate
We are not blindly supporting Trump. We had endorsed Trump even in 2020. Trump self-destruct in 2020 ... he made a few very bad moves ... otherwise, he would have won. When you look at our list of objectives ... then Trump had entered the game during his Presidency itself.

These are the “facts” about the Trump Presidency.

  • He was standing up to the Establishment in all of its misleading via the party and advisers.
  • He remained unshaken by the misleading and noise making that came from the Establishment media.
  • He ended terrorism and the wars on terrorism which itself was nothing but Establishment malice.
  • Trump refused to fall for any disastrous program or scheme from the Establishment.

Trump was already working with us online ... he was already in the game by 50%. All he had to do was connect with us and take America to the next level ... he would have easily won in 2020 if he had made that move. Trump is no party puppet ... he makes all decisions himself ... he consults but he is the final decision maker. That's exactly what we need to take America into a new era.

When we already have a great candidate like Trump ...

  • who will stop these needless wars
  • who will stop the ridiculous multi-trillion dollar spending programs that Biden has launched
  • who will save trillions that would be otherwise spent on needless wars
  • who will save a million lives that would be lost if the wars continued
  • who has the brains n balls to take things forward

Then why the hell should we fall again for the stupid moral science speeches of guys who only loot and kill?

Trusting Barack was a mistake … will not make that mistake again
As per facts, Trump is the right candidate for America and if Barack Obama cannot realize that ... then he should himself kick his own ass out of politics. Barack Obama is a stupid bum ... who won't stand up to anyone ... he won't stand up to the party ... he won't stand up to the Establishment ... he is not fit to lead America in this crisis. It was a major miscalculation trusting Barack Obama and I will not make that mistake again.

Instead, I will show everyone who this asshole is ... how he operates and misleads the people ... how he is a complete liar, fraud and hypocrite. Let the world know ... this know how will save $7-8 trillion of hard earned American taxpayer money ... this know how will save the lives of more than a million innocent people ahead.

Exposing Barack saves $7-8 trillion and a million innocent lives
You yourself tell me ... logically ... if exposing and trashing one guy saves America $7-8 trillion and saves the lives of one million innocent people ... then isn't it worth it? We can either vote Democrat and kill a million innocent people ... or we can show what kind of an asshole Barack Obama is and save a million innocent lives. I choose people.

Its not that we are putting the asshole in jail ... or hurting him physically ... or harming his family. We are simply showing his shit show leadership so that the American people are not deceived and misled by his bullshit moral science speeches again. We are only trying to put the right candidate in the White House ... so that, things can be restructured in the right manner.

The big headed moron doesn’t care to learn and fight for change
Its not that we told this bum not to contact us ... we are open to helping him and guiding him. But the moron sits there either playing with stupid signals or tries to threaten us. A total shit head. Why should a moron lead America? Why should a moron hold America hostage? Why should we allow a moron to create trillions of more debt and kill millions of more innocent people?

Its time to say ... enough with Barack Obama's bullshit ... its time to work with the actual facts and logic ... and do what is right for the people.

Exposing and trashing Barack Obama has several other benefits as well when the Democrat party is concerned and when the Obama family is concerned. The thing is ... doing good is like a spring ... when you do what is right ... several other good things also happen. One good thing leads to the next good thing ... and the goodness keeps on multiplying around you. Yes, doing good requires a fight ... but its worth it. Exposing and trashing Barack Obama is needed and its worth it.