Lol ... very interesting. It nothing new ... he's running this cycle since the past 10 years. Its quite routine for him  ... and for me.

Do you know what is the actual use of this "sexual junk" information? Why they spy on my computer ... why they show so much concern for the some boobies that I watch? Its not that Mr. Barack is super conservative and super religious ... he himself has been banging bimbos for several years while he had a beautiful wife and two lovely daughters at home.

Its not that ... they have the solutions from another party and they will work with that party to stop wars, dismantle the Establishment and create a new era for America. The key reason why Mr. Bimbo Banger uses sexual junk is because ... when I write, its not only Barack who is watching what I write. The info that I write is spread across millions of entities across the US ... Barack doesn't know the details about this ... but what he knows is that ... some of his buddies know what I write.

Sexual junk is used for Mr. Bimbo Banger’s image management
Barack's buddies see that we are showing a program where America needs to be saved from a malicious Establishment that kills millions of innocent people and drains trillions of American wealth every year. Barack likes to maintain a lovely, positive, moral and high standing image among his buddies. His friends wonder why Barack is not leading … why he is not solving America’s crises.

So, what Mr. Bimbo Banger does is ... tries to look for any shitty excuse that he can use to say that ... "hey, because of this ... I am not working with this guy. Because of so and so reason, I am not working with this guy." He needs an excuse to clear his conscience among his friends and family circle.

Let’s watch Bimbo Banger in his bedroom
Logically, if you see ... isn't everyone is entitled to some private time and space? Should all of us watch what Mr. Bimbo Banger does in his bedroom ... or in how many bedrooms he has been? Logically, is it right to use a stupid excuse and then simply stand there watching millions of innocent lives get destroyed ... cities get ravaged ... and trillions looted from our Nation? Is this the right thing to do?

Mr. Bimbo Banger has done this not once or twice ... he has done this hundreds of times. He has not been doing this since one month or two months ... he has been using some shitty excuse or the other not to work with us and allow the disasters to continue as per the Democrat Establishment's programs, since the past 10 years. This is nothing new.

Mr. Bimbo Banger is one shitty deceiving rascal
He will stand there telling lies after lies ... make excuses after excuses ... derail everything ... and he will allow only what the Democrat Establishment wants. Barack Obama's loyalty lies with no one but with the Democrat Establishment. Not with his family, not with the American people, not with America ... he is loyal only to the Democrat Establishment. He will stand there lying and cheating millions of people in dozens and dozens of ways ... only to make sure that the Democrat Establishment's programs move ahead.

You tell me ... if there was someone who could help you solve the biggest crises in America and the world ... who has already helped you thwart several wars including stopping WWIII several times ... if there was someone who has repeatedly helped you save trillions in expenses ... then wouldn't you pick the damn phone and do everything to work with him?

Bimbo Banger doesn’t give a shit about America
Yes, he would respond ... yes, he would call ... yes, he would work on solving America's crises ... only if he was interested in the American people ... only if he was interested in solving America's crises. This bum doesn't give a shit about the American people or about solving any crisis whatsoever. That's why ... like one cheap shitty cheesy rascal ... he uses sexual junk again and again and again ... not to do anything ... not bring about any change ... and allows all disasters to continue.

Mr. Bimbo Banger, Barack Obama, is one freaking thief and a traitor who should be removed from the way. The misleading rascal has absolutely no interest in the American people or what crises they face or in doing anything good for America. All he cares about is being a loyal slave to the Democrat Establishment and mint money using Presidential leadership.

Sexual junk is Bimbo Banger’s “success formula”
If Mr. Bimbo Banger showed even 1% of care for the American people when compared to his long bullshit moral science lectures ... then he would be a different person today. The moron thinks that he is a great genius ... by using stupid excuses not to work with us and allowing the disastrous programs of the Democrat Establishment to continue. The moron thinks that he is "winning" by allowing the Democrat Establishment's disasters to continue.

Bimbo Banger loves being a slave
Do you know the main difference between a regular slave and the slave that Barack Obama is? Slavery and colonial rule was spread in several parts of the world ... not only in Africa. The normal people under slavery or under the colonial rule ... they hated being slaves ... they hated being used and abused ... they hated their country and people being exploited ... they would fight to end these systems of exploitation … to the extent that they would risk and even give their lives to free their country.

On the other hand, our White mommy's boy ... he loves being a slave ... he loves doing everything that destroys his people and his Nation ... he loves following his Masters ... he finds peace, happiness and success in following the disastrous programs of his Masters, the Democrat Establishment.

Bimbo Banger has no moral compass
The regular people ... the "normal" people ... have a moral compass ... of what is right and wrong ... what is good and bad ... what is disastrous for the people and what is beneficial for the people. This conscience ... this moral compass ... helped them see what is right and helped them fight for what is right. Our White mommy's boy doesn't have this conscience and he doesn't have this moral compass at all.

Interesting, isn’t it … the guy who has been giving us long moral science speeches all of his life … he doesn’t actually have a moral compass.

"Whatever the Democrat party says ... it is right ... it doesn't matter if millions of innocent people die or if the Nation loses trillions of taxpayer money ... the Democrat Establishment is always right." This is what his psyche is ... this is how his brains have been wired. That's why, very gladly and proudly ... he will stand there using some shitty sexual irrelevant junk ... avoid doing anything for the Nation and allows all disasters to continue. This is a great formula, as per Barack Obumma.

Our wonderful rascal has been standing like that since the past 10 years ... watching millions of people die ... watching the Nation lose by the trillions every year. Using of sexual junk is very routine for Mr. Bimbo Banger. Keep it up ... you cheap shitty incompetent moron ... keep it up.

Those who can't lead ... those who won't lead ... should get out of the way.

Some basic information that one should know about Mr. Bimbo Banger’s sexual junk

One. Stalling Tactic
The moment Mr. Bimbo Banger starts talking about sex … then its nothing but a deviation tactic. He has absolutely no interest in the work … he is just looking for a way out. Why does he use this tactic? To justify himself among his friends and family circle … to provide them with an excuse. That’s the key use of this sexual junk.

Two. Logic doesn’t add up
The fact that Mr. Bimbo Banger sits there and wastes time talking about sexual junk … when as we speak … millions of people are dying in genocidal wars and trillions of wealth is being drained from America is kind of shocking. It doesn’t amaze and surprise me anymore because he has been behaving like this since the past 10 years. This is apparently his “success formula” … not to do anything for America and to let all disasters continue as per the Democrat Establishment program.

Three. Should walk the talk
If Mr. Bimbo Banger thinks that … it is right to spy on someone’s phone, laptop and bedroom 24/7 … then he should let all of us also watch what he does on his phone, laptop and bedroom 24/7. Let him give us access to information of everything he did with everyone in every bedroom till date. Let’s see if the Bimbo Banger can walk the talk. If this is the right thing to do as per Mr. Long Moral Science Speeches … then follow your morals … give others also the right to do the same.

Bimbo Banger’s life priorities
This is how Mr. Bimbo Banger’s priorities operate … whatever policy or instruction he gets from the Democrat Party … he will make it like a “mission of his life” and starts running around the pole like a donkey … without using his head or morals at all … and tries to do everything possible to promote and campaign for the Democrat party’s policies.

The second thing that he does is … while he promotes and facilitates the disastrous policies of his party that kill by the millions and loot by the trillions … he likes to ride the moral high tide. He will try to show everyone … including his family, friends and the American people that … he follows outstanding morals. This is Barack Obama … the biggest deceiving rascal walking in Washington today.

Bimbo Banger, the best donkey that the Establishment has
You listen to his moral science lectures and think that all of these disasters are the right thing to do … that this is the best leadership that is possible. Barack Obama is the best donkey that the Establishment has on the ground to mislead and deceive the people. As long as this donkey is going to remain in the lead … he will do everything to stall, delay and deviate from what needs to be done for the American people. He will stand there lying, misleading and campaigning for the disastrous policies of the Establishment.

This guy’s brains are hard wired to operate like a slave … he is not a leader who can think outside the box … who can use logic to do what is right for the people. He doesn’t have that material at all. The more you talk to him … the more you involve him … the more time you give him … he will continue to run around the pole like a donkey … doing everything that the Democrat Establishment wants and stalling everything that has to be done for the people.

Barack Obama is not leadership material at all. Running around the pole like a donkey is the best that he can do … that’s what he did during his Presidency … that’s what he did during Biden’s Presidency … and if Harris wins … its going to be another 4 years of the donkey running around the pole, doing everything that the Establishment wants.

One way to stop this donkey is … don’t vote Democrat this time … support Trump.