Okay fine ... let's make things fair ... whatever Mr. Bimbo Banger is planning for me and thinks that is right for me ... the same should apply for him as well.

Let's assume that Bimbo Banger thinks that he has the right to "punish" me for something ... then even we should have the right to punish Bimbo Banger as well. You see ... morals, principles and values should apply to everyone, isn't it? You can't apply your verbal bullshit morals to one person and then go around banging bimbos, can you?

So, let us enlist all of the crimes and immoral activities that Mr. Bimbo Banger has done ... and put in a program to punish him for all of the deviations that he has shown against morals, principles and values.

Let me give some samples that one might consider ...

  • Banging a long list of bimbos for several years while you are married to a beautiful lady and have 2 lovely daughters.
  • Killing millions of people again and again
  • Rendering tens of millions of people homeless and destroying their cities
  • Being a part of and allowing the loot of about $25 Trillion of hard earned American taxpayer money

And before we even begin this evaluation ... we should have the access to Bimbo Banger's phone, laptop and bedrooms ... so that, we do the right evaluation. Lol. We have to monitor and check every second of his life ... so that we can "punish" him for his immoral activities, isn't it?

You stupid asshole ... we didn't pull you in Presidential leadership so that you could waste everyone's time on dickish ridiculous bullshit. Get rid of the irrelevant bullshit that is stuck in your shit-head and focus on the crises that you have to solve for the billions of people out there.

Stupid bum ... your only target in politics is ... get the power to go on the loot ... and then you don't give a shit about the people and waste everyone's time on dickish bullshit stuff. Stupid idiot. We have a freakin fool leading the Democrat party.

Can't think big ... can't act big ... every time he opens his mouth, some shitty petty garbage comes out of it ... and he will waste everyone's time on garbage stuff that is totally irrelevant to the work that has to be done. The moron doesn't know how to do anything right.

All that Barack Obama cares about is “the Democrat party should have the White House so that he can go on a looting spree with his buddies” ... as long as the Democrat Establishment has the power to loot by the trillions … then that’s all that matters. Once that is put into place, he will kill everyone's time on total ridiculous bullshit stuff that doesn't matter to anyone. He won't focus on a single policy that needs to be worked upon ... stupid moron is in politics only to loot, stagnate the nation and waste everyone's time.