So, you guys are watching Mr. Bimbo Bang’s signals that he is going to work with me and thinking that it is going to happen? Nah, Mr. Bimbo Bang is a cheap shitty deceiving rascal. If he actually wanted to work with me, he wouldn’t sit there playing with signals … these signals are meant just to fool you guys.

No, I am not becoming fat. This is Bimbo Bang’s team that is placed right below my apartment … they sit and play with EMF radiations at night when I go to sleep and they deplete my abs muscles. When my abs muscles are depleted, it causes my stomach and intestines to hang out like that.

No, I am not going bald because of age. This is Bimbo Bang’s team using Establishment gimmicks to deplete my body of nutrients via radiations and infecting almost all shampoos in the shops where I buy from with fungal infections that cause severe dandruff and hair fall.

No, I am not drowsy at my workstation because I am sleepy. This rascal’s team uses EMF to make me sleepy and drowsy when I try to do my work. They don’t want me to do my work.

No, I am not forgetful at times because of weak memory. It is because of this rascal’s team using EMF to even deplete my brain cells while I sleep. This is another Establishment gimmick that the rascal is trying to pull off to justify the Beautiful Mind theory. Idiot.

You idiot … if you saw the movie the Beautiful Mind … there was no “internet” at that time. It was a time of only “letters” at that time … that’s why they were able to pull it off … you stupid moron.

SM Groups are sitting there and thinking that … Barack Obama is going to work with our candidate and …

  • They will create a massive network in the fields of politics, media, finance and corporations
  • They will break down all of the Establishment’s malicious systems
  • And free the people from their abuse of various forms
  • And create a new era for America and the world

But the truth about Mr. Barack OBimbo-Bang-Bama is that … he has no interest in working on the Establishment at all. He is a freaking slave of the party and he does only what the party wants him to do. If he is bothered about anything other than the party then it is his own freaking image. While he runs all of the Democrat Establishment’s disasters, the asshole covers all of it with long moral science lectures.

To add to that … instead of working with us, the cheap rascal maintains a team that abuses me in several ways using Establishment tactics that he is supposed to dismantle. Now, you trust this rascal’s signals? After giving 15 years and writing more than 6,000 pages to guide this rascal so that he can do what is right for America … he still remains the same slave to his party and turns around and abuses us.

Do you think change is possible under such a cheap deceiving rascal? Not only he sits there watching all of the abuse that I face … but he sits there watching all of the disasters that unfold on the American people … the Libyan people … the Syrian people … the Afghan people … the Iraqi people … the people in Gaza … the millions of Christians in Ukraine and Russia. The rascal does nothing but sits there and watches all disasters unfold. You call him a leader?

If this good for nothing moron wanted to be nothing but a spectator for the suffering of the people … then he should simply sit at home and watch what happens on TV. He has no right to be in Presidential leadership. The cheap rascal is in politics only for the loot & being a slave of the party and nothing else.

After 15 years and more than 6,000 pages … the rascal doesn’t give a shit. Do you think that he will care for American people after one stupid vote? Barack OBimbo-Bang-Bama is one cheap shitty rascal who won’t give a shit about the American people for another 4 years once he’s got that vote. People don’t matter to him at all … if they did matter to him, then he wouldn’t sit there watching death and destruction all around him all of his life.

Heads up for Trump
My dear friend … your buddy Netanyahu is on a non-stop bombing spree. This can backfire on you and it is actually one of the reasons why Harris can win. As per the reports that I get … there is a 10-20% chance of Harris winning the election. Why? Because you are using death and disaster to get re-elected. This is a major drawback for you.

Yes, you are at fault for pushing Putin and Netanyahu to go for wars … so that, disasters are created under Biden and you get re-elected. But Biden and Harris are at a double fault.

  • Firstly, because … Trump is not President … Biden and Harris are in the White House. Its their job to stop wars doesn’t matter who tries to start them.
  • Secondly because … not only they don’t stop the wars … but they try to profit from these wars by supplying weapons and ammo in these wars.

So, technically … the guys that we chose to create peace and to create a new era for America … they are busy destroying one country after another. Candidates from both parties are facilitating nothing but disasters. Bravo. One guy is stuck in supporting the war in Ukraine and another guy is supporting the wars from Israel.

Now, here’s where the problem for Trump comes … Democrats have openly condemned Israel and Netanyahu for his wars … to the extent that they have even got a resolution from the UN Security Council against Israel. They have technically absolved themselves from this war and thus the blame is coming on you and Netanyahu for Israel’s wars.

The more Netanyahu will bomb Gaza and his neighbors … the more you will push the election in the Democrat favor. Biden, Barack and Harris are already freakin disasters … why are you self-destructing with needless bombing and wars? The people who want to support your re-election … they are saying that “Trump is killing innocent people just to get re-elected”. Netanyahu’s wars are backfiring on you.

You might be thinking that you are doing Israel a favor … thus, you should get support for what you are doing. No, it doesn’t work that way. As it is, if any politician show himself as too much pro-Israel then he will be tanked from getting the White House … look at Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley. And killing innocent people to get re-elected … you are self-destructing and giving the lead to Harris.

Stop creating and creating disasters
First, stop supporting disasters … stop killing innocent people … and then only the people will trust that you will fight for what is right. Look at Barack Obama … many people see him as nothing but a thief and a deceiving rascal … he betrays those who support him and he also betrays the American people. Why do you want to show yourself as worse than them when you are actually the good guy who loves to do what is good and great?

Always fight for what is right
We know you … you love to do what is right … you love to shine in doing good and great things. This opposition strategy of “creating disasters” is itself a disaster. You have to immediately change this track. Biden, Barack and Harris … they are more than a disaster by themselves … they are shitty greedy politicians who can’t even rise above their party … they are shitty good for nothing puppets. They are absolutely no comparison for you … you stand at a totally different level.

You don’t have to fall and use shitty techniques to win … just be yourself … fight for peace and do what is right … and we will get you the White House. Don’t create disasters … don’t maintain disasters just because you are not in power. If you do that then the people will lose trust in you. You have to always do what is right for the people … it doesn’t matter if it is the American people or the Ukrainian people or the Russian people or the Palestinian people or the Israeli people … you have to always do what is right for the masses. Its then that people will trust you … love you … and support your leadership for life.

Lead with goodness and greatness, President Trump … always lead with goodness and greatness.