I have no idea of who released Obama's info with Jennifer Anus ... but some groups are asking if they should release some actual data ... like a sex tape or some photos.

The answer is ... no ... hell, no. You guys should understand the base line and also the upper limit of "trashing Barack Obama". We are not trashing him because we hate him or because we want to disgrace and humiliate him ... that is not the objective.

If you guys release photos ... let alone a sex tape but even photos of Barack with his bimbos ... then it will destroy him. He is not someone that can handle this kind of information ... he is not Trump. Barack is extremely sensitive about his image ... if there is anything more he cares about in politics other than his party then it is his own image. He is not someone who can manage a sex scandal. No way in hell he can.

And the guys who cannot manage their sex scandals are automatically labelled as a "disgraced" President. We don't want that for Barack ... this entire operation of exposing and trashing Barack Obama is not about disgracing or humiliating or even creating any actual damage for him.

The Baseline
Here's the baseline of the operation ... the key purpose of trashing Barack is to "wake him up" ... make him realize the disasters and catastrophes happening out there. A truck load of love and support is showered over Obamas mainly because Michelle holds the pillar of security for our work. This moron thinks that he is popular and that the people love him because he was a great President. The dufus lives in a different world where he doesn't realize what is what.

Its a must to snap him out of his ridiculous party puppet leadership ... which he actually thinks is "great leadership". Whatever reason might it be ... for Barack to follow his party blindly ... it might be because they caught him with his pants down with some bimbos ... or he is ridiculously loyal to his party because he doesn't have a freaking brain of his own ... whatever the reason might be ... we have to make him realize the shit show leadership that it is. He has to realize the nonsensical trillions of spending and the endless death and disasters that he is unleashing on innocent people ... he has to realize that it is screwed up leadership and it will not work. He cannot remain in power if he supports this kind of nonsense ... no one should.

Here is where you can use the most condemning language ... trash him by "words" as much as you want ... kick him in the nuts, "by words" ... to pull him on the right track. This way we not only save Barack from his shit show leadership but we also save the lives of tens of millions of people that this moron is screwing every now and then. Not only we save this stupid bum from his nonsensical leadership ... but we also save millions of people that are being made to live in hell on Earth because of the bombing and disasters that our freaking moron cannot stop.

The moron thinks that he is a great leader
And that the people love him ... he is going around campaigning with Kamala Harris ... he thinks that because he is on the campaign trail, Harris is going to get more votes. He doesn't realize that the more he will show up with Harris, the more she will tank. Lol. Let him campaign ... let him campaign ... go Bama, go Bama, go Bama!

The situation is exactly similar to Warren ... sticking to disastrous policies, refusing to work with us and instead of talking with me ... she goes to every TV show to promote herself. The more she ignored us and the more she went to every TV show ... the more she tanked herself. Barack Obama is in this phase right now and he doesn't realize it.

After a couple of months ... just like Warren sat there sulking at her loss ... blaming the guy with a laptop on the other side of the Ocean ... similarly, Barack is also going to sit there sulking at his loss. And I am going to tell him ... go get some ... go get some Barack Obama ... get some nice ass and bring that grin back on your face. Lol.

Restructuring the Democrat Party
Harris losing to Trump will bring several good things for the world. Firstly, Barack will realize the bum that he is ... and that the "value of Obamas" actually lies with Michelle and not with him. Secondly, it will save tens of millions of people from the disasters that this moron can never save. Stopping wars is a 10 minutes job which Barack can never do. Trump will show him how it is done.

Once that's done ... then it will be the time to restructure the Democrat party. Trump will rip up all of Biden's policies, Democrats will have no other choice but to revise their policies. The old junk leaders of Biden, Barack, Pelosi will get shoved aside ... new leaders with a better vision who can work with facts and logic ... we can pull them on the forefront.

That's the plan.

The upper limits not to cross
Barack can very well be a part of the plan to take America forward. He may not publicly step forward to trash or rise against the Democrat party ... you know, because he doesn't want the Democrat party to pull his pants down in public ... but he can definitely play a backend role.

What's more important is ... its Michelle's family ... Barack is a part of Michelle's family ... and we will do everything possible to keep it safe, secure, loved and supported. Verbally ... you can trash and condemn Barack how much ever you want ... it will be actually good for him. But at the same time, there should be no real action against him ... no sex tapes, no legal action, no photos, no nothing.

Any actual damage for Barack will indirectly also impact Michelle ... that she is married to such a guy. Everyone will start questioning ... why is she still married to him ... where is her self-respect ... did she actually allow all of this to happen? How much did she know about all of this?

Look what happened to Hillary after Bill Clinton's sex scandal ... her legitimacy tanked among the public. Many blamed her for her husband's adventures. No way in hell, we are putting Michelle in that spot. We are not putting the Obama family on this track.

So, whoever is releasing info on Barack's adventures ... make sure that the info is contained. If anyone is releasing info that crosses our upper limit then immediately crush it. We don't want any adverse impact on the Obama family just because of one guy's adventures. Michelle's work helps billions of people ... its more important than the fooling around of one stupid bum in the family. 

Everyone is kindly requested to work with the right objectives and within the defined boundaries. Thank you.