Trump is blaming Democrats for the stock market crash?
Of course, he should ... definitely blame it on Democrats. This is what Trump should understand hereon ... we are putting things in your favor and working on terminating the leadership roles for Barack and his candidates. "Things" will happen ... they will happen in ways Democrats would never expect or imagine ... and Democrats will not be able to control what is being put in motion against them. Some surprises are being worked upon as we speak.

So, be calm ... analyze things patiently ... and if you notice things happening that adversely impact the people ... then feel free to use them against Democrats. Some tweaks are being made to support you and also to flush out these cheap shitty lying deceiving self-serving greedy abusive rascals from power.

Host your own town hall if you skip the next debate
Another point is that ... yes, it might be a good idea not to be on a debate stage that is biased against you. If you think that ABC News will not be fair for you then don't go ... but make sure to host your own town hall on Fox News. You can't just disappear from a media event ... you have to have your own town hall or show on another channel.

More importantly do it with an audience. Democrats don't want an audience as the audience serves as a measure for public opinion. The more positive the response from the audience is, the more mileage the candidate will get. That's why, there was no audience in the first debate with Biden. Democrats didn't want to show the boos that Biden would get, to the American people all over the Nation.

These are some of the critical decisions that will be made in the coming phases when leadership is concerned.

Who will lead Democrats?
Not only Obama and his bullshit team has to be flushed out from the White House ... but more importantly we have to analyze and decide who will lead the Democrat party. Who is going to make Democrats Establishment independent? Which Democrats can rise to do what is right for the people? Which Democrat can actually stand up against their party?

This is something that Trump has already done on the Republican side. Establishment influence has been nullified to a great extent. Trump not only stands against ridiculous policies of the Republican party but he is able to decimate such policies ... and he is able to dominate the Republican party.

Barack Obama turned out to be a super screw-up
Unfortunately, we trusted Obama but he and his team turned out to be cheap shitty lying misleading deceiving self-serving greedy rascals. The people get only long moral science speeches from Barack and his buddies ... in reality they get debt, death and destruction. The entire Barack team turned out to be puppets of the Democrat Establishment with no one having the brains or balls to stand to their party to do what is right for the people.

Thus, for America's progress and prosperity ... the Democrat Party has to be restructured. Not only Barack and his buddies have to be flushed out ... but we have to train, support, protect and raise "fighters for the people" within the Democrat party.

We don't have all eternity to get this done ... this must be immediately so that such people fighters can work with Trump in the lead to do what is right for America and the American people.

Who will create the next President after Trump?
Not only Trump should win the White House in 2024 but we also have to analyze and decide who will create the next Presidents ahead. Given Trump's huge lead in the use of logic ... and in deciding what is right for America ... and given the fact that Barack and his team are total self-serving greedy shitholes ... its quite logical today that Trump creates the next President after him.

Given Barack's disastrous leadership performance ... no way in hell should we trust this freaking moron who only lies, misleads and deceives the people to create the next President at all. This stupid moron only creates more stupid morons. He hasn't touched a single exploitation system of the Establishment ... let alone work on the Establishment, he doesn't even have the brains and balls to stand up to his own party.

Barack Obumma needs to be shelved for a while
For the good of America ... we have to shelf Barack Obumma for a while ... until he can show the right moves that are right for America. The dufus thinks that he is a great President and uses the fact that his wife provides security for our work only to go on a killing and looting spree. This idiot has to be shelved for a while until he can realize the moron that he is.

If even by a mistake we give the Presidency to Kamala Harris ... this idiot will only get even more emboldened and continue with the trillions of loot at every turn all over again ... continue his party's shit show anti-Russian propaganda ... continue to sponsor more wars and kill and displace millions of more people. This is exactly what it means to create a Harris Presidency. We cannot allow this freakin moron to run his disastrous leadership that only creates debt, death and destruction for 4 more years.

Barack Obumma is the biggest walking and talking disaster in human history
No single person has got so many people killed and got tens of millions of people displaced again and again ... no single person has created a debt of $27 trillion within 15 years of their life in the entire human history. He is a freakin shit show that hides behind long moral science speeches. If we combine the millions of people killed, the tens of millions of people displaced and the $27 trillion that have been created under Obama's watch ... then Mr. Barack Obama is the biggest lying cheating misleading deceiving asshole to walk on planet Earth.

I keep options of a second chance for this asshole only because of his wife's request. If Michelle wasn't his wife I wouldn't consider this cheap shitty self-serving greedy misleading rascal for anything whatsoever.