Have I ruled out Biden?
Personally, I have not ruled out anyone. Its SM support that has moved away from Biden. You tell me ... what are the chances that Biden will turn things around? Biden will stop his crazy mass spending ... break Establishment monopoly ... and create a new era for America? What are the chances of that happening?

Yes, that's the reason why the majority of SM groups have moved away from Biden. Everyone is looking for alternate options.

And when we look for alternate options ... on one hand we have Trump who got scared and started protecting and supporting the Satanic Establishment. When he couldn't do the job ... we pulled Obama in the game ... our wonderful Obama ... he didn't even face the Establishment in any sphere and he is busy creating Party puppets who become nothing but indirect Establishment puppets.

That's why we are trying to pull Michelle n Musk in the game. The leadership is a mess out there.

We love you
For starters … let me make it clear that we love Obamas … both Barack and Michelle. You guys are among the Chosen Ones … the best among them … you have good moral standards, at least at a personal level … and we owe Michelle for the security shell.

We can’t treat you like we treat Satanic Establishment puppets like Bush, Hillary, Mitt Romney and Netanyahu. The key objective in pointing out the issues in your leadership is to create better leaders … create reforms and solve crises.

There are a lot of leadership changes that will happen in these 2 years and we want to give you a heads up … so that, you prepare well in advance.

Obama is stuck in repetitive cycles of his past
Without wasting much time … let’s get into the topic. Obama seems to be stuck in repetitive cycles of his past … he seems to keep on repeating what he has done before during his Presidency.

  • He used us to get the Presidency … he is still using us to get the Presidencies.
  • He never stood up to anyone … he is still not standing up to anyone.
  • He never created any reform … he is still not creating any reform.
  • He let everyone do their shit … he is still letting everyone do their shit.
  • He maintained security for us … he is still maintaining security for us.

There are no new moves … no new activities … no new reforms or changes or movements from Barack Obama. This fine gentleman is stuck in the past.

No, no, no … I am not trashing Obama … I am motivating Obama. Michelle wants Obama to remain in the team … this is her dear request. Obama needs to play a role to remain in Presidential leadership … and the two key roles that have for candidates in Presidential leadership are:

  • Stop disasters and catastrophes
  • Bring great change for the people

You have to do either of the two … preferably both. If you cannot do this … then everyone starts questioning your very presence in a leadership role. Its pretty darn obvious.

Secondly, if I am talking about Obama … and showing him what to do … then it is actually good news. It actually brings attention on Obama and opens routes for his leadership. It would be bad if I stopped talking about you … like I stopped talking about Bush, Hillary, Trump and Biden.

When I stop talking about any leader … then it means that leader is useless for key Presidential leadership … no one focuses on you, no one supports you and no cares to give you victories … because you are useless for the Nation.

Chill ... it must be two things. Either they must be dealing with some sexual misinformation or they may not be serious about contacting at all. This is nothing new ... this is going on since several years.

Yes, I know ... we give these guys the White House despite the fact that they have banged Pornstars ... despite the fact that they have been fingering their coworkers ... and they use the slightest sexual glitch or misinformation to flip and stall working with us. This has been their routine and that's one of the reasons why they are called frauds.

The work has not even begun ... and this is how they behave. Just imagine them behaving like this when we launch full scale revolutions ... in the middle of the battle, they flip against us and try to change tracks. Lol ... what are we going to do then?

Lack the conscience and consistency
They lack the same fighting spirit, the conscience, the consistency and the drive to bring about the change that's needed. What SM basically think is that ... just because any of these leaders will work with me ... it is automatically assumed that they will also carry the same fighting spirit, the conscience and the consistency. This has not been the case till date.

There are some Pro-Trump Groups that are asking if we can give a second chance for Trump.

Firstly, this question itself isn’t appropriate to the exact scenario at the ground level. This question tends to show that … I am the bad guy and somehow Trump is the victim … who got only one chance … and that we are mean and cold who are not giving him a second chance. This question misrepresents the actual scenario.

Secondly, not only we gave Trump a second chance … but we gave him 365 chances every single year of his 4 year Presidency. We gave Trump about 1,460 chances … not one chance … we gave him more than a thousand chances.

Every single day we guided him as to what has to be done and what has to be stopped … where the crises are … and what he has to do. Trump didn’t step forward even once … he ignored, turned a blind eye and only exploited us through the thousand plus chances that we gave him.

Slavery is not a genetic condition but it is an abusive condition
I am talking about “Obama following White people” and Michelle is tweeting that her ancestors were in slavery … probably, trying to ask me … if Obama has a genetic condition? Lol … hell no, Ma’am … hell no.

There is no way in hell that Obama following White people has anything to do with slavery. No way in hell that can happen. If you note … whenever I talk about Obama trusting and following White people … I also quote Obama’s White mommy issues. This trust and automatic obedience that Obama has many a times to White people … it is mainly because he had a fabulous, intelligent, charismatic and loving White Mom. She was his guiding light … and look at him … she has done quite a good job.

Trust me, there is no connection between Obama’s trust in White people and slavery. Slavery is not a genetic condition but it is an abusive condition … it is the suppression and abuse of weaker people.

As per our project to dismantle the Establishment, we designed the coordination with the US President in several fields so that we could easily surpass the Establishment control and influence … and win in dismantling the Establishment and create new systems. These are the basic fields where coordination is required to start off with.

  • Intelligence. We basically had to work with the intelligence agencies of the US, Russia, Germany, Turkey and Japan to balance out the intelligence tools used by the Establishment to spy on our work, to destabilize the work and to manage the staff. We had to root out all Establishment puppets from our teams and make sure that all tools, equipment and manpower used are independent of Establishment control, monitoring and influence. We also have to collect data on the people in involved in politics, judiciary, media and government in various fields.

Why do the selected get elected?
The candidates that we select for President automatically get elected as President. Why? Because America is a burning building … the crises it faces are quite complicated. It requires coordination with the President to create new systems and to dismantle exploitation systems to take America into a new era.

The candidates that we select for President are actually selected for this very purpose … to solve America's crises, to create new systems and to dismantle exploitation systems.

The same moral conscience expected
One of the things that are expected from the Presidential candidate is that … he has the same moral conscience to fight for America, to protect America and to save America from these crises. The candidate is expected to fight off all malicious activities and do great things for the people and the country. This is something that is automatically expected to happen.