Yeah, I know ... Obama-Biden see me as the "goose who lays golden eggs ... the goose that keeps on giving". Lol ... I know ... its a concept that Establishment entities promoted during the Obama Era. I needed nothing from Obama and I was helping him end wars by showing Establishment malice from every angle. So all he had to do was ... sit there, read what I write and save America from a nuclear war against Russia.

But this concept quickly changed at the end of his Presidency ... instead of only stopping wars, we had to move forward in dismantling the Establishment monopoly and create a new era for America. Establishment monopoly in several spheres is the core reason for these wars and trillions of debt ... until and unless it is broken down things won't change.

Frauds and Parasites
So, Obama had to directly coordinate with us ... get sponsors for our work ... and work with his political circle to champion new policies for America. Obama delayed that ... and some SM Groups turned against him and termed him as a "parasite" ... as someone who got used to the goodies that he gets from us and has no concern & responsibility to solve America's crises.

Our 3 Chosen Ones may see me as a the golden goose that keeps on giving ... but there are millions of SM Groups that see them as parasites ... who only want to exploit America's crisis ... get what they can get from me ... get the White House ... and then not give a shit about solving any crisis.

The SM Network has reached a boiling temperature since a long time ago and they have been repeatedly asking me for strategies that do not involve Obama, Biden and Trump. Things are pretty bad out there ... anything can happen.

Saving Michelle
That's why, I have to get involved ... firstly, I need to save Michelle in this burning crisis ... she is my Guardian Angel. She has protected me repeatedly several times ... I owe her. Only God knows what they will do with Biden and Trump.

Biden blows up trillions and brags about jobs
Yes, yes ... I know ... the only thing that Biden is doing in defense of his Presidency is ... brag about jobs. This is what Trump had done and Biden is copying the same. What basically both of them have done is ... turned a blind eye to all of the Establishment crises in America that kill millions and drain trillions. They are busy pocketing trillions while letting America burn.

They don't understand this full scenario because Biden doesn't know anything much about the crisis ... of how the trillions of debt is piled up ... of how the Establishment has set up its monopoly that drains trillions ... he has no idea what he is dealing with or what he has to do about it. So, as far as Biden is concerned ... its heaven out there ... he got the Presidential trillion dollar lottery ... look at the jobs, everything is fine ... nothing more needs to be done.

Obamas are family
This was the scenario with Trump and the same thing is repeating with Biden. Moving forward hereon ... we can't press too much on Obamas ... they are not just friends but they are like family to me. Yes, in order to be fair ... I show where the issues are ... where the inaction and stagnation is ... how Obama has taken America back to his old era where the Establishment was on a looting spree and our greatest accomplishment was averting a nuclear war with Russia.

If you look ... this is where we are back again. All of the trillions that Biden keeps on spending again and again and again ... who do you think gets these trillions? Its the Establishment. Instead of getting broken down, the Establishment is in party mode under Biden. But I can't press too much against Obamas ... if they don't coordinate and I keep on pushing them ... it might turn into friction. That is not the purpose of me reaching out to them.

No interest in solving America’s crises
We want them to save America and not to get in a conflict with me. Obviously, if they don't want to work with me ... then it means that they have no intention of taking down Establishment monopoly ... they are not interested in solving these crises. Biden has won the lottery and he is capitalizing on it. If there was genuine interest and common ground is doing what is right ... to stop what is wrong ... to solve the people's crises ... then the first thing that they would do is get in touch with me.

Kamala Harris 'culture' word salad stumps Twitter users: 'Emptiest human being alive'

Kamala Harris is actually an intelligent woman ... is she intelligently playing dumb to screw the Biden Presidency? Seems more like calculated failures.

Maybe Uncle Joe and his VP don't have a close relationship. Biden is probably trying to maintain the limelight on himself while casting away Harris. This has two issues ... firstly, Biden doesn't have any good policies to offer. Thus Biden being in the limelight with the dullest policies ever ... that are presented by Biden in the dullest manner while being glued to the teleprompter ...  this has created an extremely boring and testing image for the Biden Presidency. The Biden Presidency lacks the charisma, the charm and the excitement that a leader who fight for change brings about.

The second issue is that ... when Harris is castaway ... she is technically locked in the role of a VP ... she can't go back to being Senator. So, she is showing her frustration in her own way ... Harris playing dumb is her revolt in her own way.

You are not alone Harris
Well, the news for Kamala Harris is that ... you are not the only one who is upset, frustrated and tired of the Biden Presidency. You are just one among the millions.

And we can't totally blame Biden ... as he took on a role where he has no idea what has to be done. He doesn't know the head or tail of the problem ... he doesn't know even the abcds of the Establishment that he is supposed to manage ... he is simply following Party orders ... running whatever policies they want ... and reading whatever script they put forward.

Here are some sex and security basics that Obama, Biden and Trump should understand and realize.

Sex basics
Sex is something that is private and personal. No one in the SM Network gives a shit about sex. Whatever you do in your personal life is whatever you do. What you are offering to billions of people ... how you are helping billions of people ... that's what matters.

Even if I walk in a public function with 2 Pornstars by my either side ... even then SM will have absolutely no change in how they follow me or in how they support my work. Nobody is looking for a Dalai Lama out there. The priority is the people and not who you bang.

So, if you guys sit there wasting time ... using "sex" info to stall coordination ... you might think that this scheme is a great excuse not to work with me ... but trust me, it will backfire on you only. You were made President to change billions of lives ... not to obsess over one guy's sex life. When you ignore changing billions of lives and remain focused on one guy's sex life ... then trust me, this is not why we made you President. No one needs a sex obsessed maniac in the White House.

Trump and Biden are no Dalai Lama
Secondly, if you look at Trump's or Biden's profiles ... then neither of them are Dalai Lama as well. And yes, both of you had issues with sex scandals ... and the norm in the SM Network is to protect team members from such scandals. So, the good news for you is that ... while you are President, sex scandals will not affect your Presidency.

Why do I request for a cop or an intel guy?
Firstly, because they easily accessible for our politicians and they are less likely to be rigged … until and unless our Presidents themselves want it so.

Secondly, and more importantly … “response time” matters. Its like 911 … if there is an emergency then within how many hours should the cops be at your place? ASAP … within minutes or hours … not days … not weeks … not months and not years. When the cops respond within minutes then you can expect the problem to be solved … but let us assume … the cops take years and years to respond … then do you think that they will solve the problem? Yes, that’s the issue with our Chosen Presidents.

To make one move, they take years and years together … that’s just to make a contact … now imagine, at this rate … when will change actually come to America? Lol. When our Chosen Presidents take years and years just to contact then it actually shows that they have no interest in solving the crises.

SM blames Obama
Some SM Groups blame Obama for this lag and stagnation. Its not that Obama is a bad and stagnant leader … but that’s what happened during his Presidency. He simply sat there reading what we wrote and ran the country … now, Biden is doing the same … its creating a repetition of the Obama Presidency. The thing is … there was no requirement of direct coordination during Obama because our objective was only to stop the wars. Direct coordination was not required to stop wars … Obama could understand what was going on by following what we wrote … and he could stop the wars.

That’s what Trump did … he followed what we wrote and he stopped the wars. But now, the crisis of wars is over … we have to move on with the next phase of dismantling the Establishment and creating a new era for the American people … and this cannot be done without direct coordination.

Okay ... so there seems to be an attempt to change the situation. Boss-Bama is saying that ... yes, Biden will call you. Michelle is saying that ... we are moving as fast as we can. And Biden is saying that ... we will get it done at the earliest ... probably ... that's if I am reading things right.

Okay fine ... if that's the case ... then thank you Mr. Barack Obama for finally stepping forward and encouraging your VP to take the first step to do what is right. Secondly, thank you lovely Michelle Obama for encouraging both to move forward.

Why the signals?
As far as SM is concerned ... all of this is still signals and rhetoric with no real action ... yet. There is nothing definitive or real about it. Phrases like ... "we will ... moving as fast as we can ... at the earliest" ... all of these terms do not have actual definition in time.

So, let's try to do things in a more definite and in a measurable manner in real time ... so that, we can help you in the process. If the above comments are actually true that you guys finally want to take the first step of directly working with me then ... can you at least send one intel guy or a police officer to my residence ... to inform me when you are planning to call me?

Today? Tomorrow? Day after? This week? Next week? When exactly? Lol. I am not trying to joke ... but this "contacting thing" has become a kind of joke since it has prolonged over the 6 past years. Yes, I see your signals now ... and I have been seeing your signals since the past 6 years as well. There hasn't been much progress other than "using signals". SM doesn't believe in signals ... and I have told you this several times.

So, the lovely Michelle Obama wants to save Biden as well as Trump … and she wants a strategy for the same?

Think out of the box
Okay fine Ma’am … if that’s what you want. But before I get started … let just give you a preview of how I do “system analysis”. This is one of the reasons why the SM Network follows me. If I have to analyze a person or a policy or an action … I don’t attach myself to the entity being analyzed. I don’t say something because I personally love it or hate it.

I put that entity in a glass box … and then I start analyzing how it will impact other entities in the realm. The most important entity that we care about is the people … the Nation. How a person or policy or action impacts the people … this analysis is done in a completely neutral and detached manner.

Have to evaluate both the pros and the cons
In this system analysis, we evaluate both the pros and the cons of that particular entity … of how the impact will be on the people. We enlist all of the good and all of the bad of the particular person, policy or action. This helps in the creation of scenarios … both good and bad … it helps us foresee what can happen next. Sometimes, we have done system analysis so well that it worked like fortune telling. Lol.

The person’s behaviors, past actions, ideology, connections and who he or she is influenced by … this gives us a pattern of what he or she will do next.

Pro-Trump groups surprised that I am not helping Trump?
Yeah, I think they are used to the fact that ... every time Trump was in trouble we helped him out. But they don't realize the fact that ... Trump turned against us when we tried to help him ... he did this almost every time. He always tried to blame me for what is happening to him and he called our help "Presidential harassment". Let me explain.

  • Firstly, now ... if we try to help him ... his first reaction will be "aha, so you are behind this?"
  • Secondly, when I try to show him that ... this is what he has done wrong and this is what he should do ... then this is automatically "Presidential harassment".
  • Thirdly ... as a thanks for my help, I get hate in return. "I will shut you down ... I will do this and that to you."
  • Fourth ... during his Presidency itself ... he didn't change his track ... he didn't work with us nor did he stand up to the Establishment. Is he doing anything different now?
  • Fifth ... I am not the one who actually helps him. I only strategize what has to be done in each scenario ... it is SM Groups that step forward to make change at the ground level. During Trump's Presidency itself, they were fed up of Trump ... he didn't take any action forward and kept on falling in trouble again and again and again. Except for a few Pro-Trump groups, no one wanted to help him. I had to push SM Groups to help Trump for America's sake.
  • Sixth ... today, he has a long list of crimes ... of financing wars and pandemics ... of creating an insurrection ... issues with women, classified records, taxes, business transactions and on and on and on.
  • Seven ... Trump never asked for my help. I am not being cold towards Trump ... if Trump needed my help then he could have asked. He never asked. For example ... whenever I need Michelle's help ... I ask. I literally shoot an email to her ... she knows that I need and welcome her help. So, she keeps an eye on me and helps me several times without even asking further.

Trump is an unthankful and an ungrateful person
I hope you guys understand ... Trump has mostly been an unthankful and ungrateful person ... who always troubled me and created issues for me whenever I helped him. It might have been in the Mueller Investigation or jail traps or impeachment or wars or disasters or whatever. We helped him with everything ... every time I had helped him, I had to pull Michelle to protect me from the guy that I was helping.

This is Donald Trump ... an unthankful and an ungrateful person. I took the risk of helping him for America's sake ... for the people's sake. Now, for heaven's sake ... why do you guys want to push me in that mess all over again?