Some SM basics for Elon Musk … it will help you understand what is going on and how things operate. If you understand the basics of how key forces function then you will understand how to operate and get victories in these multiple crises.

What is the Matrix?
It’s a Human Management Network … where several sets of different technologies are used to track, monitor, enhance and control human beings in different fields of the society.

What is the Establishment?
They call themselves Jewish … but it is actually a Satanic Establishment. The Bankers form the base who sponsor a monopoly that owns tens of thousands of businesses in several fields.

What is SM?
It is the workforce that operates in several fields within the Matrix … tens of millions of SM Groups form the SM Network.

Trump in a nutshell
Trump definitely made progress when compared to other Presidents in terms of leadership to do what is right. He started working with facts and logic to do what is right … surpassed misleading from all directions … ended wars, did not start any new wars, stayed away from all disasters of Socialism, mass spending and Establishment propaganda like Climate Change.

Generally, the Establishment misleads and pulls President to the wrong track and fails their Presidency … like Bush and Obama. Bush was a complete failure while Obama was understanding and trying to dodge Establishment malice. But when Trump was concerned, the Establishment didn't fail Trump ... Trump failed Trump.

Trump chose to remain in "cycles of humiliation" when the Establishment would continuously humiliate him, demonize him, investigate him, initiate lawsuits and try to put him in jail … Trump would put up with all of the humiliation and still he would never take action against them.

He chose to protect the Establishment and also started calling himself a part of the Establishment. Yes, there were no new wars and disasters during Trump but there was no progress either … trillions continued to drain from the country every year … and we got the highest debt and deficits under Trump.

Trump was completely self-obsessed … doing nothing, making no reforms, taking no action on the criminals destroying America … but continued to blow his horn, loot by the trillions and save his ass. He started calling himself better than George Washington and Abraham Lincoln with this kind of performance.