Yes, owing to Biden’s failures the momentum is towards a Republican President. But its not that the Republican candidates are ready to hit the ground running. In fact, each of these candidates … Trump, Biden and Ron DeSantis have a list of reasons that hold them back from the Presidency. None of them are crystal cut to lead America in this period of several simultaneous crises.

Issues with Trump – Establishment Monopoly
Heh … several SM Groups are freaking out and terrified at the thought of Trump becoming President again. Here’s the list of issues that hold Trump back from the Presidency.

  • Trump’s Presidency was mostly about blowing his horn, looting trillions and using the loot to save his ass. This is the Trump Presidency in a nutshell.
  • Trump liked to win thus he didn’t allow any disastrous policies to be implemented during his Presidency like blowing up trillions in the name of climate change … but at the same time, Trump didn’t address any of the existing crises that America faced thus we got an additional debt of $8 Trillion in a single term under Trump.
  • America’s major problem is the Establishment Monopoly and the resultant multiple crises that it creates and Trump took no initiative against the monopoly or the crises that America faces … which means that … a second term for Trump means more blowing horn, more looting trillions and more saving one person’s ass.
  • Trump ran a very clean Presidency but he is a horrible loser who sat there financing the multiplication of the pandemic, the border crises and the Ukraine war to dismantle the Biden Presidency.

To sum up Trump’s Presidential leadership … he will either work for himself when President or he will sit and destroy his opponent when he is not President … both ways, he will not work on the actual crises that the people face. Trump is always focused on one person … its himself or his opponent. Trump’s slogan is Make America Great Again … but he never made America great … he left America to rot in all of its crises. Trump’s actual slogan is … Make Myself Great Again … there is no care for America or the American people at all.

No idea why Biden thinks that he can get re-elected with his current policies and performance. The biggest blunder that Biden is making right now is that ... he thinks that convictions will help him defeat Trump and get re-elected.

Biden doesn't realize that if he wants to remain in the White House then it is all about the "right leadership" to solve America's crises. If you don't do this then no one sees a reason to support your Presidency or re-election. It doesn't matter about the other guy ... the key thing is that ... you yourself have failed in leading America.

A failed President is trying to fail others
When you are trying to fail other candidates via convictions ... what SM sees is that ... you are pulling down others to continue with your failed leadership. If you were a successful leader ... if you were working on addressing all key issues that America faces ... then knocking down others is not a problem. In fact, you would get support in eliminating others. But that is not the case ... your own leadership is a total failure ... and by failing others ... you are trying to continue on a failed leadership.

So, technically ... its a huge question mark ... whether you will actually be successful in holding back Trump or any Republican candidate via convictions or via the general election. Because on this track under your leadership ... America's crises do not get solved ... America will continue to sink in trillions of debt every year ... your leadership doesn't help America in any way and it is only making things worse for America.

Uncle Biden ... before you focus on knocking out others ... you need to focus on your own leadership first.

Biden fears being perceived as ‘stupid’ – biographer 

So, Uncle Biden fears going down in history as "stupid"? Well, Uncle Biden ... I have good news for you and bad news for you. The good news is that ... no, you will not go down in history as stupid, like George Bush did. And the bad news is that ... you are popularly known as "Greedy Grandpa" among a large network of SM Groups.

They don't see your policies and actions as stupid ... but they see it as simply greedy. I think that you fear going down in history as stupid because you have launched several multi-trillion dollar policies owing to your greed and then in order to praise yourself in front of the public, you show that these multi-trillion dollar policies are a success. I would say that ... this is your "guilt" Uncle Biden.

You are feeling guilty that you are praising your disasters as American success. Its a good thing ... feeling guilty when you do something wrong is a good thing. It shows that there is some conscience living in some corner of your heart ... its knocking on your head trying to help you realize the wrong that you have done. Keep going to Church, Uncle Biden ... keep going to Church. It will help you keep this conscience alive inside you.

I don't know whether you will change or not ... I don't know whether you will follow your conscience or not ... but its nice to know that you have a tiny flicker of light inside you that's trying to guide you. The leaders who follow this light go down in history as "great" ... not as stupid.

So what if Elon Musk is calling Twitter "X"?
Firstly, you should not expect others to follow all of your advice. A good friend is the one who tells you where you are making a mistake. I am not among those who suck up to you and blow your horn while you are making mistakes. Trump always expected me to blow his horn and every time he expected this I told him that I am not of this category. We advice but it is not necessary that everyone follows every advice. There are several factors involved in decision making ... we don't know which factor is pushing them to make their choices.

Secondly, he owns Twitter ... he has the right to call it whatever he wants. I think he likes the letter X ... because he is a rocket scientist and he wants to sound sophisticated ... a little bit complicated and out of the ordinary. Maybe that's why he likes the letter X. Thirdly, we gave him the information on X being related to sex after he had already made the transition. He had already bought and named Twitter X. The input given was quite late.

X is the short form for Sex
Fundamentally speaking ... yes, Elon Musk might like the letter X for whatever reason ... but in the public domain ... in the entertainment industry ... X is the shortform for Sex. That's why XX is used for nudes and XXX is used for porn.

As of now, this is the scenario of each candidate.

Donald Trump
He is technically the most disliked person in the race ... mainly because he was busy blowing his horn and looting trillions when he should have saved America. He came with a "Make America Great Again" slogan ... doesn't do shit for one full year and then says ... America is already great so my next slogan is "Keep America Great".

Everybody already knows that our Chosen Presidents don't know what has to be done ... so, they expect coordination, understanding, an open mind and the use of logical thinking and decision making. Instead of doing this ... what they have done is ... they say "I will make America great again! I will make America great again!" And once the Presidency is given to them ... they switch, don't do shit, don't make any major reform, go on a looting spree and call themselves the greatest President ever ... even better than George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

This is the reason Trump is the person who is disliked the most by SM Groups. This is his negative side. However, he has some groups in favor of him ... since he also happens to be the one who coordinated the most via the online mode and at least, he took a few actions to stop wars and disasters from happening ... and supported some positive policies.

What's important about following Trump's policies that it is creating a leading Presidential candidate in the race? Good question. It is not actually "Trump’s policies" ... these are our policies ... these are people centric policies. "Make America Great Again" is only the slogan that Trump came up with. We were talking about fixing America's crises since 8 years even before Trump became President.

Being Pro-Russia, using all sources of energy including oil, gas and coal, no new wars and ending of all wars, holding China accountable, tariffs on China, bringing jobs back from China ... all of these are our policies where we guided Trump how to operate.

Trump learnt and took an entire Presidential term to put these policies in motion. All of these are good policies that build the Nation. Biden was supposed to take these policies forward. But he has done the opposite on most issues ... that's why, America is sinking more rapidly under Biden.

Ron DeSantis – Maintaining America’s success and progress
But when Ron DeSantis is replicating Trump ... he doesn't realize that he is actually copying and maintaining all of the progress that we made during Trump. When Ron DeSantis comes with all Trump policies ... he actually is coming with all of the progress and good things done under Trump. That's why Ron DeSantis is a lead candidate among Republicans.

So, Uncle Biden is wondering if I am going to ask him to rip up his climate change policies. This is what he should understand first … selecting the next President is a 6 hat strategy. There are several SM Groups involved … each of them operate with their own thinking, analysis and objectives. We have to think of how they think and operate … in order to understand what they want next and what they will do next.

When I write about Pro-Trump groups … I will write a different process and strategy. When I write about Pro-DeSantis Groups … I will write a different process and strategy and the same applies when I write about you. Because all 3 of you have support groups with different thinking, analysis and objectives.

So, when I write about other groups … then I will talk about ripping up Biden’s policies … his climate change hoax … ripping up all multi-trillion dollar spending programs. This is because … this is how Pro-Trump and Pro-DeSantis groups will operate … this is what they will want.

Don’t get confused that … this is what I will want from you as well. Because if you do this then it will come as a shocker for all top Democrats and you won’t be able to manage the movement in your favor.

No Coordination is Self-Destruction
When our Chosen Presidents don’t coordinate with me to solve America’s crises … then it is pretty much self-destruction for their political careers. Why? Because … for example … Uncle Biden … he doesn’t know the head or tail of the Establishment. He has no idea what the hell the Establishment is doing, let alone knowing how to stop its malice.

Millions of people died during the War on Terror and trillions were spent … millions of people died during the Pandemic and trillions were spent … now, trillions are being spent on climate change … are we waiting for millions of people to die with complete cities being burnt down? The Establishment has moved from one type of terrorism to another … from wars to pandemics to environmental terrorism … right under Biden’s nose … and he has no idea what the hell is going on.

Each of these terrorism programs have cost us trillions in taxpayer money, millions of lives and our Chosen Presidents don’t know shit. Despite not knowing anything … they refuse to coordinate … thus allowing full-scale flourishing malice of the Establishment across the globe.

No coordination means … no understanding of what is going on … no stopping of malice and crime … no stopping of mass terrorism programs … no stopping of trillions of wasteful expenditure … no stopping of the killing of millions of people. This is what no coordination with us means.