So, the lovely Michelle Obama wants to save Biden as well as Trump … and she wants a strategy for the same?

Think out of the box
Okay fine Ma’am … if that’s what you want. But before I get started … let just give you a preview of how I do “system analysis”. This is one of the reasons why the SM Network follows me. If I have to analyze a person or a policy or an action … I don’t attach myself to the entity being analyzed. I don’t say something because I personally love it or hate it.

I put that entity in a glass box … and then I start analyzing how it will impact other entities in the realm. The most important entity that we care about is the people … the Nation. How a person or policy or action impacts the people … this analysis is done in a completely neutral and detached manner.

Have to evaluate both the pros and the cons
In this system analysis, we evaluate both the pros and the cons of that particular entity … of how the impact will be on the people. We enlist all of the good and all of the bad of the particular person, policy or action. This helps in the creation of scenarios … both good and bad … it helps us foresee what can happen next. Sometimes, we have done system analysis so well that it worked like fortune telling. Lol.

The person’s behaviors, past actions, ideology, connections and who he or she is influenced by … this gives us a pattern of what he or she will do next.

Pro-Trump groups surprised that I am not helping Trump?
Yeah, I think they are used to the fact that ... every time Trump was in trouble we helped him out. But they don't realize the fact that ... Trump turned against us when we tried to help him ... he did this almost every time. He always tried to blame me for what is happening to him and he called our help "Presidential harassment". Let me explain.

  • Firstly, now ... if we try to help him ... his first reaction will be "aha, so you are behind this?"
  • Secondly, when I try to show him that ... this is what he has done wrong and this is what he should do ... then this is automatically "Presidential harassment".
  • Thirdly ... as a thanks for my help, I get hate in return. "I will shut you down ... I will do this and that to you."
  • Fourth ... during his Presidency itself ... he didn't change his track ... he didn't work with us nor did he stand up to the Establishment. Is he doing anything different now?
  • Fifth ... I am not the one who actually helps him. I only strategize what has to be done in each scenario ... it is SM Groups that step forward to make change at the ground level. During Trump's Presidency itself, they were fed up of Trump ... he didn't take any action forward and kept on falling in trouble again and again and again. Except for a few Pro-Trump groups, no one wanted to help him. I had to push SM Groups to help Trump for America's sake.
  • Sixth ... today, he has a long list of crimes ... of financing wars and pandemics ... of creating an insurrection ... issues with women, classified records, taxes, business transactions and on and on and on.
  • Seven ... Trump never asked for my help. I am not being cold towards Trump ... if Trump needed my help then he could have asked. He never asked. For example ... whenever I need Michelle's help ... I ask. I literally shoot an email to her ... she knows that I need and welcome her help. So, she keeps an eye on me and helps me several times without even asking further.

Trump is an unthankful and an ungrateful person
I hope you guys understand ... Trump has mostly been an unthankful and ungrateful person ... who always troubled me and created issues for me whenever I helped him. It might have been in the Mueller Investigation or jail traps or impeachment or wars or disasters or whatever. We helped him with everything ... every time I had helped him, I had to pull Michelle to protect me from the guy that I was helping.

This is Donald Trump ... an unthankful and an ungrateful person. I took the risk of helping him for America's sake ... for the people's sake. Now, for heaven's sake ... why do you guys want to push me in that mess all over again?

Jewish groups, allies demand CUNY Law lose funding after student's 'vile' anti-Israel commencement speech

CUNY law school graduate's controversial graduation speech

There are hundreds of politicians and media personnel condemning this speech and showing their love and dedication for Israel. Well, if you guys love Israel so much then why don't you show your love by being and living in Israel? Why remain puppets for Israel in America? Why are you making America a puppet of Israel? This speech is protected by the First Amendment in America. She has the right to express her views and opinions ... she conveyed the facts. Good job CUNY!

Talking about the fact that Israel kills and bombs innocent civilians in several neighboring countries ... it is simply "hate" for Israel ... its just hate speech. We need to simply stop hating Israel and turn a blind eye towards all of its atrocities, killing and land grabbing. We need to love Israel and support Israel in all of its murderous activities ... because that's what good human beings do. Isn't it?

Talking against the Israeli Government is not anti-Semitism
And by the way, talking about the atrocities of one government is not anti-Semitism. Being against, talking against or doing something against a simple common man only because he is a Jew ... this is anti-Semitism. She said absolutely nothing against a common Jew.

At first the Satanic Establishment was only promoting the concepts of being gay and lesbian ... now, since we are showing some acceptance to these configurations, the Establishment is shoving down the "transgender" propaganda down our throats.

Now, we have to apparently show acceptance to transgenders ... guys who cut off their balls and plant pussies on themselves ... we are supposed to treat them as equal to women. We are supposed to allow them to share women's bathrooms and allow them to compete with women in sports and games.

A new level of deviance and irreligion
This is nothing but a new level of bullshit designed to push us away from God and religion ... and show more acceptance to deviance and irreligion. The fact that the Establishment wants us to avoid using the words man and woman ... and become gender neutral ... this again confirms the ideology that the Jewish Establishment looks at non-Jews as animals.

The track that the Establishment is working on is that ... we should become immoral and animalistic ... and stay away from God and religion.

CNN admits Durham report exonerates Trump 'to a degree,' 'devastating' to FBI

Okay let me break it down for you ... this is what Fox News and Donald Trump don't understand about the Durham report. The Establishment blows up the scheme when it no longer needs the scenario. The Establishment no longer needs a Russian collusion with Trump ... why? Because Trump is going to get convicted soon and he will no longer be President, probably. The Durham report is not Trump's exoneration ... but it is a strong signal that Trump is going to be convicted soon. Sometimes, things are not as they seem.

Bush – War on Terror
Let me give you another example of this ... so that you understand better. Bush was supported and allowed to go on an anti-Islamic spree ... about Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden and bla bla bla ... but when Obama was going to win the White House ... they turned the tables against Bush. The entire War on Terror was an Establishment scheme and Bush was only the frontend element.

But when the Establishment knew that a new face will take over America who does not believe in the War on Terror ... then they turned the tables against Bush and blamed everything on Bush. The Establishment kept itself safe ... out of picture ... while blaming Bush. Why? The entire concept of the War on Terror would go bust soon and they no longer needed Bush.

This page is not anti-Trump nor is it anti-Biden … it is pro-people … it is pro-world. We might actually get a nuclear war in the world because of one guy’s self-worship and another guy’s incompetence. Obamas need to step in to manage this crisis.

These are some of the ongoing dynamics that would lead to World War III.

  • The Ukraine War. The Ukraine war itself is a major factor that can lead to World War III. It was originally designed by Trump to create a conflict between America and Russia so that he could flee legal prosecution in the United States and live in a bunker in China while the US and Russia destroyed itself. Biden has failed to stop this war … it should have ended a long time ago. Having the West pitched against Russia is exactly what’s needed for a world war.
  • Sanctions on Russia. Severe sanctions have been inflicted on Russia to contain the war but it has clearly defined the parties in a world war. As long as Russia is going to be isolated from the world … as long as sanctions will remain on Russia … it will only create the enmity required to start a conflict.
  • Poland. Poland was one of the key elements that led to the creation of World War II. It has strong Establishment control and it is always anti-Russia. Poland wanting to join Ukraine will expand the war and get several countries involved.
  • Israel – Netanyahu. The moment a third country gets involved, Netanyahu can strike Iran … he has been wanting to do this since more than a decade. The Establishment is keen on using Israel as a bait to start World War III. Netanyahu is back in power and it is very possible that this can happen.
  • Arrest warrant for Putin. Issuing an arrest warrant for Putin means that the West has ended all routes of negotiation with Putin and that they will arrest Putin if he steps on their soil. This is nothing but an invitation for war.
  • North Korea. This is how the chain of command works. Trump calls Putin … Putin calls Kim Jong Un … and Kim Jong Un starts firing missiles and threatens nuclear strikes. The fact that Kim Jong Un has boasted of hiring 800,000 soldiers in one day to fight against America should not be taken lightly.
  • Donald Trump. Kim Jong Un threatening nuclear strikes on the South when Trump is about to get indicted is no coincidence. Trump is probably back to his original plan of fleeing the US to a bunker in China by starting a nuclear war.
  • Putin meets Xi. At this very same moment, Putin meets Xi … is no coincidence as well. It is nothing but planning for a nuclear strike on the South … and how Russia and China will respond if America gets involved.

Saving both would be great
Saving Trump and Obama is about creating a lifelong Presidential leadership role for either Trump or Obama. However, if we can save both … then it would be great … we would have an experienced Ex-President in each Party that would help us fight against Establishment malice and monopoly.

The only and major issue is that … both Trump and Obama have been a waste of time … pulling them in Presidential leadership was a total waste where no action on the key problems in America has taken place. Let us briefly try to understand the issues with Trump and Obama leaderships … so that we understand what has to be fixed in order to save their leadership.

Saving Trump
The major issue with Trump is that … he is most of the time absorbed in “self-worship” … the world should revolve around him … nobody should say anything against him … everyone should blow his horn and sing his praises … he should be able to loot by the trillions and he should be able to save his ass if anyone came after him. This is the Trump Presidency in a nutshell.

This is Trump’s perfect world … blow your horn, loot by the trillions and use the trillions to save your ass … everyone should worship Trump, which he does himself all the time.

Its not supposed to be real?
That's quite a lame excuse. During the Trump Presidency itself I had clearly shown SM activities on the ground level ... all of these are SM activities.

  • The Arab Spring
  • The Tea Party Movement
  • The Occupy Movement
  • The #metoo Movement
  • Overthrow of entire governments
  • Deciding Presidential elections and local elections
  • Tossing Jewish billionaire and millionaire criminals in jail

These are more than a dozen of open and clear frontend activities of SM. You will find that each of these activities are new ... none of them are carried out by Democrats or Republicans or Obamas or Trump.

These activities don't have a frontend leader at all. Why? Because that is how I designed "people based movements" ... to operate as a network rather than be led by one or two leaders. Yes, the Arab Spring, massive million people protests across the globe in several cities, the Occupy Movement, overthrow of entire governments ... all of these are "applications" of my formulas. These are applications of "people power".

For SM these were just "test drills" ... just to check if things would work or not. Lol.