Yeah, go back into your basement ... you greedy self-serving asshole. Just drop out of the race ... you are going to be the biggest disgrace that the Democrat party has ever faced. Covid is a good excuse to drop out ... its for your own good that you should drop out. If you don't drop out then the entire Democrat party will be blaming you for their loss for the next 4 years. Why do you want to become the blame donkey for the party?

Covid is a good excuse ... use it to drop out
But if you are too foolish and too greedy not to let go of the presidency ... then you are being nothing but deaf, dumb and blind ... just like you and Barack have been throughout the Presidency. You both are the biggest disgrace that America has ever faced. Mr. Shithole Barack Obama thinks that he was a great President ... he will know very soon what happens to deaf, dumb and blind party puppets who go on a looting and killing spree.

SM controls the flow of the Nation
They control the direction of the Nation ... they control the tides of who will win and who will fail. You will see very soon what happens to deaf, dumb and blind party puppets.

I am telling you again ... use Covid to drop out. What's going to happen in the next election is decided several months in advance. If you choose to remain in the lead then you will find all termination programs unfolding against you. But if you drop out then you can remain at home in peace with dignity and watch the termination programs unfold against Harris and Newsom.

Biden wants the "Lord Almighty" to tell him to drop out of the race
Well, did the Almighty tell you to run for President? Did the Almighty tell you to go on a looting spree by the trillions at every turn? Did the Almighty tell you to sponsor non-stop wars? Did the Almighty tell you to destroy the lives of millions of people?

The guy is nothing but a disastrous sex psycho ... who has done only two things ... loot the country and remained stuck to sexual garbage. Now, he talks about the Almighty as if everything that he does is told by the Almighty. Barack n Biden are nothing but stoopid cheap cheesy dumb ass morons who will say anything to remain in power and do anything to keep on looting the country. Both of them don't deserve to be in Presidential leadership at all.

Why give explanations? Biden should challenge Trump in another debate.
Why is Biden giving speeches and interviews to justify and explain his debate performance? If he really has the guts then call for an extra debate immediately. If you really have it in you then let's see how you perform in an additional debate. Lol.

  • Biden worried about debate performance
  • Democrats ask Biden to step down
  • Biden meets with governors and Barack to discuss party future
  • Biden fired up in the next rally

Do you know what’s wrong in all of the above activities? It shows that … all that Biden, Barack and top Democrats care about is sticking to power … the only thing that they worry about is losing the White House.

  • They didn’t give a shit when Biden went on a non-stop looting spree by the trillions at every turn
  • They didn’t give a shit when Biden started sponsoring non-stop wars
  • They didn’t give a shit when the lives of millions of people were getting destroyed
  • They didn’t give a shit when cities and countries were being destroyed
  • They didn’t give a shit when Biden only cared about the loot and didn’t give a rat’s ass about the people

Ow but now … ow, ow, ow … they are worried. Ow, thank you so much. Biden is worried … Barack is worried … top Democrats are scrambling to manage Biden’s disastrous performance in the debate. Why? Because all that these assholes care about is remaining in power. They are stoopid, greedy, sleazy, good for nothing, selfish, self-serving party puppets … who use the Presidency only to go for the loot. All that they care about is looting the people’s money.

Biden is battling frantically to save his political career
Yeah right, he should have thought about his political career before going on a multi-trillion dollar looting spree and becoming totally deaf, dumb and blind to our guidance. In fact, I will give a nice “screw Barack Obama formula” that SM Groups can follow in dealing with Mr. Barack.

The key issue with Barack and his team
The main issue with Barack and his team is that … Barack Obama uses us only to get Presidential powers in Democrat hands. He doesn’t really give a shit about America or the crises that the Nation faces or the American people. The guy is in it only for the loot … he is a stoopid career politician … who is using his “career” to make money.

Fighting for what is right … fighting for the people … getting the right things done … solving problems … making lives better … creating a new era for America … all of this is not there in his psyche … its not there in his plan and its not there in his “career”.

Yes, we are giving him the White House for this … yes, we are keeping him in Presidential leadership mainly to solve crises and create a new era … but this dumb ass moron has no intention of working on it … its not there in his program. All he knows is textbook career politics … follows the party … and goes on a looting spree along with his Democrat buddies.

This is the main reason why the Obama Presidency was a total disaster … this is why Barack didn’t give a shit about working with us even during the Trump Presidency … and for the same reason, even the Biden Presidency is a total disaster. America is facing a failure after failure … mainly because we are trusting the role of a great revolutionary hero to guy who is a total puppet and a total moron who cannot think outside the box.

Let the assholes obsess over sex ... I don't give a shit ... Barack doesn't know anything better. Just remove Biden from power ... this entire team is a team of good for nothing morons. The donkeys think that they are great geniuses by using us to get power and go on a looting spree. Yes, eventually they got the power and they also got the loot. Now, the question is ... are we going to allow them to loot for another 4 years and not a give a shit about solving any crisis? The Barack n Biden leadership is nothing but "open loot" of the country.

We need to kick them out of power ... so that they know that we give them the power and we also take it away when they don't give a shit about solving any crisis. Obviously, Biden doesn't have a future ahead ... but we can somehow save Barack.

Solving America’s crises is the priority
Here is the fundamental thing that we have to keep in mind. Our number one priority is to eliminate all crises in America and create a new era for America. Our priority is not to maintain Biden in power. We gave the power to Biden and he turned out to be a complete asshole who doesn't give a shit and goes on a looting spree ... and his shit show leadership is supported by Barack, Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the Obama gang. Maintaining these guys in power is nothing but continued loot, death and disaster for the world.

Trump is 100 times better than the entire top Democrat leadership
Secondly, Barack is not the President ... nor can he become the President. He has a backend role either ways ... even if its a Democrat President, Barack has a backend role ... even if Trump is in power, Barack still has a backend role. When we gave the leadership role to Barack ... he turned out to be a shit show ... he becomes deaf, dumb and blind ... and doesn't listen to shit. Trump is 100 times more interactive and dynamic than the entire top Democrat leadership.

Okay … let’s look at things from a neutral perspective … without taking anyone’s sides. Our decisions are based on the impact of each leader’s actions and policies on the people. We decide who will remain in power based upon the actual impact on the people. With this perspective, let’s take a look at Obama and Trump.

Secure one guy and kill a million innocent people
Our guy in the Democrat party has consistently shown a record of “securing one guy and killing millions of people”. Barack Obama has done this during his Presidency and he is repeating the same in the Biden Presidency. Why does this happen?

  • Michelle manages security. Its actually Michelle Obama who secures our work. She has secured our work during Obama, Trump and Biden. Doesn’t matter who the President is … Michelle manages security.
  • Barack is a freaking puppet. While Michelle secures one guy, Barack Obama goes on a looting spree and killing millions of people via genocidal wars … by teaming up with his Democrat buddies.

The good comes from Michelle and the disasters come from this freaking moron Barack Obama.

Some SM Groups are worrying about my security if Trump gets re-elected?
Here are a few things that you guys need to know about Trump and Obama.

One. Chose security over policies
The strategy that I proposed to the SM Network during 2020 elections was that … maintain Trump in the White House … he is doing an excellent job. He might not be taking America forward but he is holding the fort very well. Democrats are a total disaster in terms of policies … Biden is a greedy asshole and it was like hitting your head against the wall to get freaking Obama to make any change at all. Obama was a deaf, dumb and blind President who wouldn’t change shit … and Biden is a greedy asshole with disastrous policies … helping these guys take over the Presidency is nothing but enabling disasters for America and the world.

Trump was dodging all disastrous policies … he was stopping all new wars … he should have been maintained in the lead … while Obama should first “prove himself” that he is not a deaf, dumb and blind moron … that he could change … that he could actually support and fight for the right policies. Fail Biden so that they abandon these crazy mass spending policies and climate change crap … so that, Democrats can work in the opposition party with the right policies while Trump will filter them out and support their right moves.

Well, let's just say ... desperate times require desperate measures. Lol.

Firstly, trust me ... I myself didn't expect this guy to be so much hard wired into following his party. I had no idea that he was simply using me to get the Presidency. I was putting the complete strategy forward of how America had to be taken forward under Biden, Obama and Trump. But Obama simply using me to go on a looting spree with his buddy Biden and giving America the finger ... this was the last thing that I expected from Mr. Long Moral Science Speeches ... Barack Obama.

Trusted Barack Obama
Secondly, as per my calculations ... okay we gave them the power, they know the issues and they know that they have to get in touch with me. So, I didn't care to push them much to work with me. Also because I was totally fed up of asking Trump to work with me again and again ... instead of working with me, the guy was turning against me. I didn't want the same thing with Barack n Biden. I gave them all the time they needed to get in touch with me.